You have DESTROYED Sym

new symmetra very cool, yesterday on attack ive got 32 kills and 3 gold medals)) and POTG ofcourse, once iv just set teleport behinde defenders and threw there 3 turrels ))) quadro kill )))

They also kiiled Roadhog

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New symm is a lot of fun but the teleporter is def clunky and needs to deploy much faster. It takes too long to pull anyone out of grav for example

I am happy that you found out she’s not viable overall. She can’t be played properly under these conditions without being on a team that can do good synergy. Her kit doesn’t fit or sync well.

Not even anymore and players won’t have the patience. She’s still considered a troll pick among majority. Do no play her in competitive play.

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also i very like her rmb, ive got may be 50 % precision with rmb, and this is so cool when i kill a lot of flankers ))

Quick play don’t record number of matches, and for all we know, this Winrate can be carried from the previous version of her.

Gimme the same screen from season 11 stats and it might have some relevance.

Haha what a story. If you forgot, i remind you - she was already ruined before. The whole point of her rework is that she was absolute garbage. And not just that - she was unfixable garbage.

There were no way you could rationaly buff teleporter, because it was out-of-combat ultimate that was actually useless if no one dies in Symm’s team.

Buffing her primary fire could make her decent overall, but it would DESTROY lower brackets because player already had troubles with dealing her there.

Symmetra is available for competitive. If Blizz will think that she is underpowered, they can actually buff her without damaging gameplay for lower brackets.

Whoa whoa whoa HOLD YOUR GOD DAMN HORSES? What again, repeat pls!

Thank you. These heroes were bad at game release state, but hey:

Torborn never received a single nerf since release (don’t count console nerfs and damage reduction on friggin hammer).
Same as Reaper.
Same as Mei (ok, they increased her ultimate charge, but that’ all)

Again. More overreaction for the god of overreaction. You just act by your emotions and rejecting the facts.
Even if she is bad now (and i can agree with that), she still in the same place as before!

That’s why Jeff said on video that the Overwatch team didn’t believed she needed major buffs, and that she was mostly fine.

I said before, and I still stand on this: Symmetra’s biggest issue was not her kit. It was (and still is) her reputation within the community that simply refuse to give her players a chance to prove they are good, and instead prefer to throw matches and report the players that have learned how to play her.

It’s not a balance problem. It’s a community problem. You don’t solve that with buffs and reworks.


They have ruined so many heroes its sickening


The only thing real problem about symmetra is her left-click, just because her right-click is so good and much more consitent.

For the rest, her turrets are much better than before and can be placed from far, permitting cover of places without getting there.

Her teleporter is bonkers. It’s the ability that offers the most strategical creativity in the whole game. In coordinated groups, it permits fast and almost uncounterable rotations. Really good on points with single choke points / high grounds on points like Volskaya, King’s Row, etc…

Her ult is also really good. You basically split the map into 2 for the duration. You deny completely Ana, Zen can no longer discord people, Moira’s healing gets blocked too, and same for any other damage ability.

Before, you had a character that relied on geeting into close range to the ennemy team, but wasn’t given the tools to do so. Her only hope was that the ennemy team was too bad at aiming or would completely ignore her while she roasted the backline.
She had uses in pro play with Torb, basically you were betting that you’d win first fights and then snowball out of them by stacking shield / armour, making it impossible for the ennemy team to recover.

Overall, she went from extremely situational / trash tier character to actually useful in a lot of cases with consitent utility for the team, good spam damage.

I don’t know why you think she got destroyed. You don’t even need to track with her left-click, look at most pros, it’s just right-click spams because it’s more consitent.

I think destroyed is a strong word

yeah exactly!! it’d add a bit more precision

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Who’s bright idea was it to allow for TP to have the placement check system removed? feels great when it just breaks instantly and goes on cooldown still. That could at least be under some destroyed by dmg check.

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I wouldn’t say “destroyed”, but she’s definitely much worse now. The ideas behind the changes are solid. We largely need number tweaks. Even increasing the TP interaction range is a number tweak.
She’d still be inferior to 2.0, but the gap would lessen a lot.


Destroyed is too harsh of a word.

But when you lose 100 damage to enemies with armor, I can see your point.

My idea for the primary:

  • Beam cannot ramp up past level 1 on enemies, only on barrier and Mei Walls
  • ramp up values: 30 / 120 / 180
  • Beam gets autolock again: lock on at 15 meters, tether break at 25 m, 0.5 second delay on tether break
  • when enemies are being damaged by the beam (which will always remain level 1 on enemies) their movement abilities are disabled

This would not only make the primary fit for purpose (destroying barrier), but also transform it into a multifunctional utility tool, whilst also not being oppresive to enemies (because it won’t be able to do more than 30 dps on enemies).

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Doubtful. The people that are sad about the autoaim being gone seem to be pretty vocal about it anyway. I have mained Sym since launch (and still do) and 2.0’s main strengths were piercing orbs, photon barrier and her ult - they removed all three so it’s no wonder Sym mains are complaining.

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If she was as bad as you claim then how come Sym one tricks in GM and T500 had 60%+ winrate on her?

Wahhhh I have to aim now an I lack any sense of creativity.

Symm is fine. Learn to adapt.

Dont worry I will reply to myself using your own debate style. “You disagree with my baseless emotional claim so you are obviously wrong”

If she’s fine why has her pickrate only increased 0.2%, and yet her winrate has gone down 4%?

She’s still occupying the same niche as before, and yet she’s doing worse in it.

EDIT: Just checked Overbuff and as of today, her pickrate has increased 0.29% and her winrate has decreased 5.6%

Sym is dying, yo.