You have DESTROYED Sym

Yeah shes even worse than she was, but I don’t care. I hate Symmetra. I hate EVERYTHING about Symmetra. Sound of her voice, emotes, skins, abilities, walk animation, and her overall vibe or attitude. I never hated a character in a game more than Symmetra

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Thats how I feel about Tracer. LOL

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Another case of incredible bias that clearly stems from elsewhere even before the rework, and thus your opinion should be ignored by the developers.

Can’t say that about me. I absolutely adore Sym. She is an icon. Im terribly heartbroken that they destroyed her kit. There are some good ideas with the rework but 100% terrible execution and lacks direction.

Ironically, she plays more like a support than she ever has before.

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I already did, scroll up.

You clearly hold a bias against this game and it’s balance choices and I have absolutely no doubt that took part in your opinion with Symmetra.

You also understand that stating she is terrible, without going into depth about why she is terrible doesn’t really do much for the developers.
I could just as easily say that she was executed 100% perfectly and has the most direction in the game which you, if you continue using the same argumentative tactics as you are currently, would have nothing to say against besides “you are wrong.”

Ive already made plenty of suggestions. Not that it matters because people just say suggestions are terrible and blah blah blah.

You can never win with people on this forum no matter what. People have their opinions and there is nothing you can do to change it.

Again… not that any of this matters because they never read anything on here anyway. Have you looked at the Mercy mega thread??? lol

And if you really cared and wanted to actually read some suggestions… here ya go:

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So… you already made a thread about this, and decided to clutter the forums even more with less detailed, less constructive threads about topics you have already discussed?
What is the point of this thread?

You can’t prove that…
Not replying. =/= Not reading.

She literally needs a minor tweak in her primary fire and you call her joke? ok.

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When someone is absolutely unhinged and posting threads on the forums


Not a healthy way to be, I could care less for state of the game-its the players that slightly concern me.
Apologies if I’m being a nag, just trying to look out for you.
Try to enjoy symmetra, she is our supreme goddess after all.

Ive tried to enjoy her. I love her so much. But I just can’t. She needs work and if people refuse to believe that, then thats fine. I can be patient and wait for her stats to fall like all the other versions before 3.0.

Ill see you in a year when we get 4.0

sym in my opinion is now a high “communication” hero. much like how sombras emp works, u have to coordinate with ur team to make her the MOST effective.

ive noticed something recently in a match (qp) that bothered me and we lost. we had a sym who did not communicate and it was on dorado on attack. i flexed to tank (orisa) to push the pay load. our sym kept placing teles all over the place and the team kept teleporting here and there. i often found my self thinking that my team was behind me as i set up on the payload, only to die because my team was 100 feet above me on some random rooftop and not pushing the payload with me. (like u know… ur supposed to do…) this happened repeatedly and we lost never reaching second point.

so, just because a solo rambo sym places a tele, does not mean u automatically should take it. PUSH THE PAYLOAD, dont worry about some ninja flank.

and thats what bothers me about sym. people think they can do some god tier flanks to auto win, while the enemy team just turtles up and easily defends.

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new symmetra very cool, yesterday on attack ive got 32 kills and 3 gold medals)) and POTG ofcourse, once iv just set teleport behinde defenders and threw there 3 turrels ))) quadro kill )))

They also kiiled Roadhog

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New symm is a lot of fun but the teleporter is def clunky and needs to deploy much faster. It takes too long to pull anyone out of grav for example

I am happy that you found out she’s not viable overall. She can’t be played properly under these conditions without being on a team that can do good synergy. Her kit doesn’t fit or sync well.

Not even anymore and players won’t have the patience. She’s still considered a troll pick among majority. Do no play her in competitive play.

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also i very like her rmb, ive got may be 50 % precision with rmb, and this is so cool when i kill a lot of flankers ))

Quick play don’t record number of matches, and for all we know, this Winrate can be carried from the previous version of her.

Gimme the same screen from season 11 stats and it might have some relevance.

Haha what a story. If you forgot, i remind you - she was already ruined before. The whole point of her rework is that she was absolute garbage. And not just that - she was unfixable garbage.

There were no way you could rationaly buff teleporter, because it was out-of-combat ultimate that was actually useless if no one dies in Symm’s team.

Buffing her primary fire could make her decent overall, but it would DESTROY lower brackets because player already had troubles with dealing her there.

Symmetra is available for competitive. If Blizz will think that she is underpowered, they can actually buff her without damaging gameplay for lower brackets.

Whoa whoa whoa HOLD YOUR GOD DAMN HORSES? What again, repeat pls!

Thank you. These heroes were bad at game release state, but hey:

Torborn never received a single nerf since release (don’t count console nerfs and damage reduction on friggin hammer).
Same as Reaper.
Same as Mei (ok, they increased her ultimate charge, but that’ all)

Again. More overreaction for the god of overreaction. You just act by your emotions and rejecting the facts.
Even if she is bad now (and i can agree with that), she still in the same place as before!

That’s why Jeff said on video that the Overwatch team didn’t believed she needed major buffs, and that she was mostly fine.

I said before, and I still stand on this: Symmetra’s biggest issue was not her kit. It was (and still is) her reputation within the community that simply refuse to give her players a chance to prove they are good, and instead prefer to throw matches and report the players that have learned how to play her.

It’s not a balance problem. It’s a community problem. You don’t solve that with buffs and reworks.