You guys ruined Brigitte

Brigitte has been an issue to fight against since she entered the live servers.
I mean if anything she could use a solid change to her kit just so the community isn’t on sides of saying she’s ruined the game.
Or, that “she’s balanced” while getting a ton of melee swing kills/damage. Cleary we need to git gud and have better game sense. It’s not the game’s fault she’s designed as a melee character that gets AOE passive health back from doing damage. Balance in a blizzard game? What’s that?

tbh Brigitte was probably the only support hero that could counter flankers next to McCree and Ana.

i felt somewhat sorry for you until this, can’t believe this myth is still going around and that you act so cocky about it.
good riddance. hope the “GeNjI aNd TrAcEr MaInS” ruin every extra game you decide to play.


The irony in this one sentence is astonishing.


Not in the game, yet she is still in the top 8 picks in the highest and most skillful rank of the game since the nerfs?
Higher than Genji who apparently is “OP” and the most played DPS, yet still she gets picked more.

Agreed. Not having to deal with Tracer smurfs in my games was nice.


Yes, she was, and they fixed that several nerfs in. Now, however, they’ve gone too far and over-nerfed her to Doomfist levels of useless.

Let’s call it payback since Brig ruined them.

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She was ruined since she was released.
Terrible hero design.

55% winrate by the way


checks overbuff
2.19% pickrate
55% winrate(something the vast majority of dps could only dream of)
still strong even after the 9th nerf

Oh, the irony :joy:


i fully agree

The only thing really keeping her viable still is GOATS tho


she still has a high winrate in the tiers where goats is never seen

gold: 55% winrate
plat: 56% winrate


Considering Brig has to get into a 6 metre range with little to no mobility to get a kill, I’d say that sentence is not ironic.


Gold maybe so, but in plat there is goats, atleast to an extent

and as soon as goats dies in higher levels of play, a new meta comes along which will be implemented in lower ranks to an extent, making her less used in general.

since goats became a thing, dive died in lower elos aswell, zarya, rein, dva, brig, lucio and moira all got a boost in their pickrates and winrates

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they ruined the characters that ruined the game

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Lol Genji icon. Yeah, everyone can see the real reason Brig was trashed. Goldenboy and girl must be allowed to wipe the floor with everyone else.


Ofc, they have to cater to whiny kids that have access to their parents credit cards.


I like this thread, it’s like a whining fight.

It’s because they realized they screwed up big time with brig. Her kit can’t be balanced. Im sure they’re planning to rework big but for now they need to nerf her into the ground.