You guys ruined Brigitte

Brig is easy to handle with McCree. Possibly the best match up in the game vs her since trying to kill her with Pharah is asking to be plucked out of the sky sometime before your 8th or 9th shot.

Two tapping Brig in the head is a lot of fun. But watching endless games go down the gutter because main tank gets deleted by a guaranteed no skill check no wind up no counterplay stun or because rally effortlessly denied picks with no timing requirement on it was lame.

She squeezed tons of characters (most of which I don’t play) out of the meta and generally was a crutch for people who couldn’t position and didn’t want to need mechanics.

My career high is still the first two weeks of comp OW I played starting at lvl25. Where I didn’t know the map names let alone flank routes and health pack locations or hero interactions. I played Brig. She was a mistake. Sorry bro


literally quit the game for over a year because of 4headgitte.

nice to be back when we can play over half the roster again.


She should get the 50 HP Shield Bash back. Tracer needs a counter like this. Shield Bash should also go throuh shieds, even if it doesnt stun it should still give a knockback.

Personally, I would change her to be more disruptive and less healer. No more armor with her E, less Inspire heal and no inspire heal for Brig herself, therefor her first Shield Bash and a bigger shield.

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Brig was the worst thing to ever happen to the game.

Her kit was so massively over tuned and easy to use that she needed nerfs.

Sorry the game isn’t braindead easy mode for you anymore.


When they see GOATS is played less in OWL they’ll probably do some adjustments to Brig eventually. I don’t think it’ll be something that comes quickly though.

I mean it’s not like they did this and had a developer update stating, “Yep, this is Brigitte in her final state” I think we can all expect she will get something to compensate some of her nerfs in the future. I feel that goes for any character in this game, they are just stirring the pot of balance lol.

It made literally every other hero cry as well. The days of making fun of Genji’s/Tracers is long over.


If it ever happens it will take months for it, which is why killing heroes in this manner like they did to Doomfist, Junkrat and Brig is one of the stupidest ways to balance this game


blizzard >
“quickly” > (translation 3-6 months)

pick one.


I mean, I personally disagree with a lot of their balance decisions, but I appreciate how bold they are willing to be on hero changes - despite the chaos that ensues within the player base from it. I still enjoy the game even when these things change.

I would appreciate it if like 70% of them were not stupid


Guess what… Brig can still stun genji’s, tracers, and every other hero in the game. You just can’t play like an idiot yourself and survive, which is what brig was a champion at. Sorry you can’t make it to plat with brig when you play like a bronze anymore.


What I love is the “She is in no way OP” when she first came out, and her players listing any character who wasnt an automatic loss as a “counter”.

9 nerfs later… she is FINALLY a reasonable addition to the roster.


enjoy watching the OWL ahahahaha
(will be goats) :monkey:

She won’t be missed. Too much value for so little skill required.


Well since Brigitte is getting nerfed in PTR yet again.
Might as well play deathmatch as Brigitte and Moira since main game is already frustrating to play with countless metas.

(or just play TF2 since it seems better imo)


How can one have “countless metas” when the very definition of Meta requires singularity?

Hint: meta means “Most effective tactic available”. Just like Highlander…there can be only one.

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I think I meant to say meta heroes. Like how some heroes were buffed and are considered meta in certain ranks (i.e Reaper after he got his buff).
Plus I don’t really pay attention to comp mode lately, so I wouldn’t know what’s meta at times now.

I do like HL in TF2. It’s just a fine set match of 9v9 using all classes done well. Too bad TF2’s comp mode doesn’t have it and just 6v6. The only way to get HL game running is by going to third-party sites that mostly use mumble.

Brigitte ruined the game, so it’s only fair.

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I’m really sorry that your hero got beaten by nerfs, but it’s Brigitte, soo…
insert obligatory cya here

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