but every hero works like that, every hero has one signature skill that is particularly loaded with power, Mercy is no different
furthermore, “trashing” a hero design and playstyle is something only devs can decide, they created mercy in the first place, they know what were her strengths and weaknesses since she was on the drawing board, I understand however that you disagree with their direction but that’s something you’ll have to reconcile for yourself or you know, stop playing I guess?
What I was trying to fish for here was the reality of the issue, if Mercy does become balanced a lot of people will still scream for a revert, honestly they could buff Rez back to the first iteration of the rework and they would STILL ask for a revert
I don’t agree with their approach or handling of the rework at all. It’s been a gong show and taken way too damn long. I feel the same way about the Hanzo rework.
However, what you do within a match outside of ult for the majority of the game hasn’t changed and has arguably been improved. Meanwhile Sym mains had legitimately everything, including their ult, completely change. That’s like learning a new hero. I sympathize with that.
Believe me, I’ll keep saying “I told you so” until well after Mercy is unplayable. Because I did, as did many others, and nobody listened.
I never said Mercy is useless. The opposite, actually. She’s still going to be a must-pick, just slightly less so. She’ll just feel worse to play when you inevitably switch to her.
well I’m sorry you don’t enjoy her anymore and that has been the case for like a year? however I do enjoy her current state and have enjoy her since she got reworked, so in my case I hope they don’t stray away from her current state but if it’s needed, it’s needed
Miss me with that revision stuff. Many of the vocal forum dwelling Mercy mains have been on that “reee mass rez or riot” tip from day one. Not because they saw how busted the rework was but because they couldn’t let go of mass rez.
The vast majority of forum based feedback at the time rework hit PTR was based off the position she’d be useless without mass rez. NOT that Valk would be busted beyond belief.
No actually, most don’t. Most heroes have pretty evenly divided kits, and the ones who do place more emphasis on one specific aspect are either bad (Ana) or do so in a way that compliments that aspect (Widowmaker).
Sure, they can decide to do so. Doesn’t mean it’s at all a good idea, and it doesn’t mean people won’t rightfully complain about it. And I guess you’re right, they must have had a pretty good idea of what Mercy’s weaknesses are since they were able to design an ult that completely erases all of them.
I should get into the habit of smarmily commenting on people who are complaining about not being able to keep people alive with 50 HP/s with something along the lines of
Turns out you have to swap sometime. Welcome to the game the rest of us have been playing for two years. I know being countered or suboptimal is a new experience but you’ll get used to it
because I’m petty like that, but I’ll also probably end up getting suspended.
Miss me with that uninformed bias stuff. Most people who ask for a revert don’t even want a “revert”, they just want to rebalance from where she was before rather than trying to make a failed rework “successful”. Not because they “can’t let go of mass rez”, but because Mercy was fairly balanced before and only needed tweaks rather than a complete rework.
Plenty of people were aware that valkyrie was going to be broken.
Neither of us are strangers to silences and suspensions. Worth imo. It is deliciously ironic how so many celebrate the “you have to adapt, you’re finally countered so pick up a new hero hahaha” to flankers while going “OMGGGG YOU MEAN I HAVE TO ADJUST TO 10 HPS LESS WHILE I ONE TRICK MERCY?! SO UNFAIR!!!”
I’m a sym main first over 150 hours on her mercy is my second main I wish they would have kept at least one part of sym’s old kit the same but they didn’t. I think mercy 1.0 was the most balanced where her focuse was to heal her team and keep up momentum with Rez I would Rez 1 or 2 players most of the time to keep up momentum I would only hide if I saw a reaper walking on a ledge universe my team or something that made it odious that a ult was coming even then I didn’t see an issue with it because zen can also take away the whole effect of an ult same as lucio so I don’t see the issue with mercy having that ability as well. Pulse the whole unfun to have a ult reverted doesn’t make science because mercy could Rez 5 people that u lutes to kill 5 people and that’s not fun as well. Of course it’s not gonna be fun because it is strong like idk every other ult her current ult is supper weak. And she is less fun to play so there is an extreme double standard . Sorry to rant I just miss the old mercy I enjoyed playing her more back then like I did with old sym seems like all my favorite characters get changed
I feel bad for them especially because Mercy has just flat out been boring for so long.
I wouldn’t care if a hero I liked sucked but was at least fun (trust me, I played Outworld Devourer in DotA before they changed his int-steal), but when they are boring and required it just feels like a chore.
Tbh I always laughed at people who said that and also happened to main Mercy, just because for the longest time there have been zero situations or team comps you wouldn’t want to play Mercy in or against. No hard counters, no trivial value robbers, nada.
Pot, meet kettle; etc.
At least it’s possible that situation actually exists now. If the nerf actually does stuff then I think my irony meter will be permanently pinging.
I have explained the problems involved with 1:1-5 vs 1:1 when it comes to button press:people rezzed so many times.
Idc what conditions or restrictions you place on 1:1-5, it doesn’t address the fundamental design flaw.
And no, few people realized how busted Valk would be, and those that did were not well received. The overwhelming majority of forum feedback at the time was “reeeeee useless without mass rez” and that DPS ults would just team wipe with no recourse.
Another post idea: masterpost of oldforum threads dated back in August crying about how team wipe ults have no counter. Just because a lot of people are absolutely convinced that those posts… straight up didn’t happen. Selective memory. Like, it’s ok to admit that there were a lot of people that you otherwise would agree with got that one thing horribly wrong.
I’m concerned with both. She shouldn’t be OP (or UP), but she should still be fun to play.
Mercy was pretty well balanced after invuln. Rez specifically lacked counterplay outside of slowing the rate at which she builds it or forcing her teammates out of position to make rezing them difficult, but her overall kit wasn’t horribly unbalanced, just slightly too heavily weighted towards rez. That’s why most rework ideas involves a revert and then moving some power away from rez and into her base kit.
Dude the revision of history that I see so many vocal forum dwelling Mercy mains partake in right now is triggering me.
Like yo believe and feel what you want, that’s fine, but do so recognizing fairly the historical facts of what happened. Arguing useless without mass rez, then later on being like “I told you mass rez was more balanced!” Is soooooo irritating to me.