You didn't fix hanzo

So even grandmasters are complaining about his insane damage. The problem wasn’t that his scatter arrow was too hard to avoid, it’s that it was too much killing power. Now you give him even more killing power, and a reposition.

The hanzo rework I had anticipated was one that followed up on the “instant kills are bad” statement released with the roadhog changes, I was expecting a hanzo that didn’t instant kill anymore but instead had utility to become a more well rounded long range fighter that was further away from being the “McCree with a bow” that he sort of sits as in terms of gameplay.

I’m definitely not an expert in game design but I was hoping for something like his arrows giving out debuffs or for him to have trick arrows that knock around enemies, something that wasn’t just damage oriented. I wanted a hanzo that was less selfish, one that felt like a part of the team instead of a lone wolf murder machine who can still get free kills even by accident by sending a stray arrow off into the distance.

With this rework of hanzo, you wasted development resources by not fixing a problem, and making an even worse one who basically is now an all range murder machine that is basically the unequivocally best hero in the game if you give him to someone with good aim


Hanzo mains like the Hanzo that is a murder machine. Players will complain about EVERYTHING anyways. Blizzard might as well stay true to their own ideas.


Hmm I don’t think he plays like a one man murder machine, I think with his new reliable damage and survivability he’s a proper frontline hero.

As for his damage… He’s sorta the only high skill cap tank buster right now and we’re playing deathball. I think he’s literally the only thing playing how it should right now. The community has always wanted the top dps hero nerfed, and this meta is the perfect storm for Hanzo. I don’t think there is enough evidence to warrant a nerf.


The thing with Hanzo is that he’s now more like McCree on steroids, and that most of his direct counters are unviable at the moment thanks to Brigitte, if played.


mccree just needs a buff. that would be better than nerfing another character. he’s been struggling to fit his role long before hanzo’s changes were even announced.


Everyone got what they wanted when it came to Hanzo: The removal of scatter arrow. Hanzo is now fine in his current state.


Indeed. Maybe GMs should try getting good instead of complaining. Even Bronze trash like me knows Hanzo isn’t even close to OP.


so far ive only seen one actual gm complain and they made a whole thread about it.


why is their sniper character a good frontline hero, hanzo should be absolutely screwed if you managed to get close to him


Meta heavily favors Hanzo, a lot. Winston and are the heroes that can reliably contest him who are not a good pick due to Brigitte. Hanzo is also the best hero to combo with Zarya’s grav who is also picked a lot due to Rein and Brig.


The problem was Scatter. It was random, and in the same place it could either:

  1. One shot a tank
  2. Miss the enemy completely

That’s just how projectile snipers work.

Try playing some tf2 and get close to a good sniper with the huntsman as a heavy. Not a good idea.

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I don’t understand how %%%% like this can go live…
My max SR was diamond, yet the very first game I saw the new Hanzo it was immediately clear to me that this was a mistake on every level up to GM.
Really, who in the seven hells has the final say in balancing the game at Blizzard? Anyone know?


Hanzo is honestly fine…maybe increase CD by like 2 seconds but nothing else.
He still has to LAND THE SHOTS.
If hes getting close to you, that’s your problem for not killing him. Do you get mad when a Mccree gets close and uses FTH.
Scattur was a load of BS as it was an instant undodgable ability.


he has counterplay now. reliable counterplay. all heroes should.

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The sniper in TF2 was also in a completely different game where being able to close range kill didn’t make him nearly as dangerous as hanzo does. Hanzo can destroy a large portion of the enemy team by running in like an idiot and getting some good shots. Sniper can’t do that because, there’s more people on each team, and the huntsman is unreliable even with good aim, and it takes much longer to get a fully drawn shot.


Jarate on enemy + Bushwacka = guaranteed crits, profit.

But yes, this works on one enemy only, and has not the potential of storm arrows.

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Except Hanzo was F-tier before. Nobody likes to remember the times when everybody screams at their teammate Hanzo to switch.


I find it so funny how when junkrat was buffed for the first time. Hanzo mains were like “this character is overpowered and the only people who disagree were junkrat mains”

And now hanzo got buffed all those hanzo mains are defending there op hero. Lmao

I’m sorry but hanzo takes no skill. The whole point of scatter getting nerfed was to not insta kill a tank however he still does that however even more value and less skill.

Hanzo shouldnt be able to instakill an orisa with his overpowered rapid fire what headshots for whatever reason


it wasnt hanzo mains…you’re just strawmaning. or a very poor troll.