You didn't fix hanzo

I remembered a few of the Hanzo main on all these nerf hanzo thread who were on the old fourms saying nerf junkrat. Lmao

Like generally hanzo rapid fire with headshots are legit just as op as junkrats double mine before nerf. I’m sorry if you can’t accept that but it’s true


it isnt true…i was there and never saw such a thing. hanzo mains had more to be concerned about than a hero they could out-range.

Why are people acting like this is the first time that Blizzard have overtuned a hero out of a rework?

Happened with Bastion, happened with Lucio, happened with Mercy, happened with Dva, happened with Junkrat (if you consider Junk’s changes a rework).

New Hanzo is mechanically fine. He’s just overtuned.


So you know every hanzo main in the fourms?

Lmao you must be on the fourms 24/7

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i know the regulars. and i know you’re full of it.


A sniper like hero that deals a lot of damage? No way


I got a potg as this hanzo earlier, I wondered ‘it must have been that dragonstrike that killed 3 players earlier’, then it starts playing and it was just me killing a series of players with storm arrow. :rofl:

“The regulars” is this a coffee shop

You don’t know everything. that is what I know for sure however I saw what I saw and I remember a few nerf junkrat threads with hanzo mains complaining.

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burden of proof is on you, bud. cant make a claim like yours without it.


I disagree.

Legit I’m not gonna go through hundreds of posts just to prove to you wrong.

If you don’t believe me then I can’t complain so you be you and defend your op hero like lmao

In b4 it gets nerfed and all d hanzo mains start to complain again

Cya g


aka, you were full of it and just trying to sound like you werent.


They should swap Roadhogs quote “I’m a one-man apocalypse” to Hanzo, that would fit much more now after all the Roadhog nerfs and Hanzo “rework”.

wasn’t meant to be a nerf, everything done was meant to make him stronger.
working as intended


Cya g good discussion

i will come back when hanzo gets nerfed to see you complaining


and i’ll be watching all your typos while you try to sound smart.

Man’s typing on phone so ok

But have a good one

(I actually won’t reply anymore)


good. phones usually have an autocorrect.

The point of the rework was to increase his power while removing one-shotting tanks. Check and check.


Regardless of the “complaining grandmasters”, Storm Arrows were always meant to be of considerable power to Scatter Arrow. Because even with scatter arrow, Hanzo was a F-Tier character.

Replacing Scatter Arrow was meant to make Hanzo more consistent. Also it solved many problems people had with scatter. It requires aim. It has audio/visual clues. It’s interruptible. It’s not instantaneous.

Hanzo being able to output tons of burst damage isn’t a problem. It’s what he’s meant to do. Him having a bunch of “utility arrows” would just make him a pointless pick over Soldier, Tracer, Junkrat, etc.

People are just upset a niche character is viable for the first time since this game was released. Get over it.