You could remove Resurrect, and Mercy would still be the best healer in the game

This, I think we should all remember that Mercy is the most reliable healer, in part because she is a dedicated healer. As in, she’s still the most defenseless hero in the game by far. The trade off for being outmatched by every other hero in a 1v1 is her reliable healing and her ability to res, so removing that part of her would pretty much gut the hero.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


well as a mercy main i agree with this…
she is too good compared to other supports.

i hope blizzard will rework her again… make her harder to play or nerf her healing.

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you need to help mercy way more than you need to help moira or ana

mercy dies way more often than ana or moira when i play games

It could also be that since she has rez, it’s more important to kill her than say killing a moira.

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her best defense is her amazing mobility that no other healer has, pair that with the self heal … this is a teamgame not a 1v1… she is not helpless or living a victim role.

she has more utility than moira, higher pickrate, higher winrates, yet moira got nerfed… leaving mercy being the only healer that can heal though barriers.

she needs a massive nerf or another rework that will make her harder to play.

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True she is the most consistent, I was just responding to

and providing examples of healers that can still heal through shields and barriers, I didn’t know lucio can’t though, that’s pretty strange.

On the flip side, Mercy is also the worst offensive healer, so I believe it balances out. The other healers trade consistency for more offensive abilities.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s important to kill supports first in general. Why do you think dive always goes after Zen first? Because he’s a valuable target with no mobility.

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The ever amazing QuizzyBunny had the suggestion that Mercy’s heal beam worked on build up. Having it start at 45 or 50hps and gradually build up with the more she heals and the longer she survives (they suggested a cap of around 75hps).

I think it’s a cool idea, helping Mercy utilize her GA more, and when to whip out her pistol if need be to ensure she stays alive.

I’m not very good at handling praise, but thank you for liking my silly idea! :smile:


ana also has sleep dart, which is not a healing ability, and has burst damage with primary nade primary

I disagree. I think you just have put pressure onto Mercy if the person playing her is really good, but that goes without saying for any champ. I’ve played plenty of games as Mercy where I don’t die at all, and I’ve played plenty of games where I get hunted and barely contribute anything to my team. Maybe it’s just that your experiences are mostly related to having great Mercy’s on your team or the enemy team and never really seeing great Zens/Moiras/Lucios or Anas because I can assure you, they all bring something good to the table when played well.

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This poses a problem in that so much of her design is tied to rez. Everything from sprays to voice lines to highlight intros. Removing rez would remove a large chunk of her design and character identity and would effectively turn her into another character.

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then she will be OP forever. Everyone likes to complain and say rez is OP when it wasn’t OP until she was reworked and since no one wants that Mercy back she will never be balanced because none of you want her to be.


Tone down her healing and her radius she can heal people. One thing I found is that she flys all over the room, healing everyone. Make it so her HPS increases the longer she heals someone not so right away.

Her mobility is probably the best in the game of all healers and which it should be. But not being able to heal so damn much while having that.

She needs a tone down because her pick rate is ridiculous.

A mercy who understands that blue beam is a thing in the game will deal more meaningful damage than a moira 100% of the time.

It is very easy for moira or ana to constantly sprinkle in damage to pad their numbers. But most of the time, damage boosting something like 100 damage on mercy is more valuable than Moira’s dealing 1000+ dmg.

A blue beam on a widowmaker headshot is 90 damage provided. alongside a quick bodyshot from widow that is another 4 damage totaling to 94 damage. That 94 damage boosted is enough to kill a full health zarya. It doesn’t show up as 400 damage done, but that little bit was so insanely meaningful that it turned the tide of the fight. Bluebeam lets dps gets kills VERY fast. Much like discord.

Tracer has to hit 90% of her shots in a one-clip to secure a kill. A bluebeam lowers that to 70% (only counts as like 40 damage boosted). McCree has to land 2 shots, to kill a tracer. Bluebeam lowers that to one (only counts as 10 damage boosted). The boost on burst is so powerful in a game where healing is insanely overtuned. It is actually bonkers that people think mercy is weak in the damage department.


No defense except the best mobility in the game to escape


You trying to tell me Moira has to really aim her heals? lol :popcorn:

It’s a very interesting idea, but I honestly believe Mercy should never ever heal at 75 lol.

In the right hands, she’s fast and very hard to pin down. I believe her GA, combined with knowing when NOT to rez, is what sets apart a good Mercy from a bad. I’ve played with Mercys who just stand there and forget it exists and die the entire match lol. Imagine a competent Mercy, who never dies, just healing 75 the whole match. I have had games where I died 0 times or once. When your team protects a Mercy, she’s hard to pin down. For the sake of the other team she doesn’t need 75 healing. :blush:

She’s fine. There are a few other healers that need some love though.


Why it’s only a suggestion as a cap. I mean if 60hps would be the max then maybe start at 30hps like Zen.

I mean at 75hps could be too strong but just the idea of building up heal charge.

Oh goodness yes.

I feel that Lucio’s aura should be reverted.

And Ana…she’s a freakin sniper, let her headshot for increased healing on allies. I’ll be fine if she doesn’t get any mobility but let her get into positions where she can have better LoS.

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I really really hope Luico gets something. Ana too. I was watching a friend play her recently, and kept thinking a mobility ability would be great. She’s the only sniper who can’t get up to places. If she had a widow grappling hook, imagine the crazy places she would be :joy:

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