You could remove Resurrect, and Mercy would still be the best healer in the game

If you did nothing but remove Resurrect, Mercy would still be the best healer in the game.

Mercy brings way too many things to the table when you compare her to the other main healers (Ana and Moira):

  1. She doesn’t have to aim her heals, which means they don’t have the possibility of missing.
  2. Her passive health regeneration is the most reliable self-healing in the game.
  3. She does not have to manage resources or cooldowns.
  4. She’s the only healer that can reliably solo heal any team comp.
  5. Her mobility is the best of any healer, and arguably the best mobility in the game because it’s on such a short cooldown.
  6. Mercy can heal through shields.
  7. Mercy can heal without maintaining line of sight.

^ All of that is without even mentioning the fact that she can bring a dead teammate back into a fight.

The least mechanically challenging hero in the game shouldn’t be the most effective at the highest level. There’s zero reason to play a more mechanically challenging hero which requires better positioning and better cooldown management when there’s an easier hero which does more for the team without the downsides.

I’m sorry Mercy mains, but Mercy needs to be toned down.


Uhhh she is also the only healer with negligible dps


I don’t mean to insult your post, but the only thing keeping Mercy in her high-pick rate in the resurrection. Her ultimate is pretty trash and she has no defense except for flying back and forth.


Not really. Mercy is just fine, you don’t need a Mercy comp to do well. Zen can also heal through shields, walls, damage. (Edit; didn’t finish typing) Moira can do good damage and have nice healing with mobility, Lucio has very good mobility and, like Zen, Moira, and himself, can heal themselves. Ana needs to be buffed, Mercy is honestly alright where she is if you can play around her correctly.

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Mercy’s pistol does more dps than Ana’s rifle.

Since Ana’s 14 shot buff, she now does slightly more. But the difference is negligible. And if Mercy’s dps is bad, then Ana’s is too.

Factoring in reload time:

  • Ana’s dps with 10 shots: 71.19
  • Ana’s dps with 14 shots: 74.43
  • Mercy’s dps: 72.73

If you don’t factor in reload time, Mercy’s is higher at 100 dps, while Ana’s is only 84 dps.


If they removed rez she wouldn’t be the best healer. She would be the best solo healer but without rez she wouldn’t be played nearly as much. Well no there are people devoted to mercy so I think she would still be played a lot but not because shes good, just because they love the hero. If anything they should change rez for one of the many fan made abilities made for her.


Except she almost never uses it, so Mercy as DPS isn’t very solid. Ana, unlike Mercy, always has her gun out. Mercy, if hitting all shots, does 100 damage, Ana does 70. Again, skill dictates this.


She’s fine. Leave her alone.


She doesnt. Thats the whole point of Mercy. Healing over any sort of damage. Having to whip out my pistol for DPS would make it so i cant heal. No other healer does that. If she required more skill, good luck having adequate healing! If a healer would require just as much skill as a DPS why on Earth would I play DPS? I would have much more fun killing things. This coming from a Mercy one trick. I want Resurrect removed because it limits my mobility so much. It feels so clunky and doesn’t flow with her kit. Because all the reasons to rework Mercy’s Resurrect were reasons like “Hide N Rez” and having to stop healing to do it. The way Resurrect is now, that’s even more prevalent. Removing Resurrect is the only way I see them of upholding the developer perspective that Mercy is “all about mobility”, since instant Resurrect on E is not something I can see coming back.


But she has to swap weapons

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asking the forums to leave mercy alone is like asking them to stop breathing


And what would you propose us “Mercy Mains” deserve to get in place of Ressurect?

Side note: They already said that they’re not removing res and that “she’s fine”, so…?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Ha, touchè


probably an ability that instakills her because of peoples hatred towards Mercy on the forums honestly.


Actually she needs to be reworked, not nerfed more on the already disastrous rework.

  • Resurrect is unearned and still effectively acting as her ultimate ability, given freely every 30 seconds and cumbersome to use
  • Standard kit is more powerful than her actual ultimate ability, if you can call it an ultimate ability (Valkyrie)… it’s more like a standard ability on a longer cooldown and longer duration
  • Skill ceiling and skill floor are currently very close to each other

Besides of which, Jeff himself recently said she’s fine. We’re stuck with a bad rework and so shall the community who are against Mercy.


Something like shallow grave/tazdingo for herself and anyone she’s connected to would be pretty good.

I never heard of that ability, and looking it up just gave me links to shallow grave the british crime thriller, lol. What’s it do?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

False. Mercy’s GA is one of the only mobility abilties that can be body blocked, it’s also teammate LoS reliant unlike any other mobility ability. And it’s cooldown doesn’t start until her GA ends, so technically it’s not a “2 second cooldown”, it can be anywhere from 4-6 seconds between GA’s, similar cooldown to Dva boosters, except GA does zero damage/knockback.


I agree with your statement.

I mean they essentially removed Rez from her kit. Since it is very situational and needs good positioning of your team, which often just isn’t given.

That is why so many Mercy placer are complaining about the boring playstyle.

Unless I’m mistaken, and I hope I am, the shallow grave/tazdingo doesn’t appear to be a helpful suggestion.

EDIT: Clarified in the post below, I think. An interesting suggestion then.