You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

Yes, of your team helps you. But alone, no chance

False, but I can make stuff up too. Tanks just need to stand there and put up shields .

Yeah, no. Tanks need to manage cooldowns alot, need to create space for you selfish DPS to be even able Todo anything. They need to do much more and if they make a error the team is screweded, if a DPS makes a error, who cares

The team is mostly a liability in this encounter. I just need them to play defensively and not die until I kill Reaper. In a duel against other DPS Reaper is useless because everyone out-ranges him so badly.

You make it like the reaper is dumb and let himself outranged. The thing stands still, I as tank should be able to kill him alone.

He doesn’t have any other option. No matter how good he is, he doesn’t have a long range weapon.

Again, false. You just mad and bad.

The devs disagree with you though. Imagine being so bad complaining about reaper of all things.

We never needed a Tank Buster. No one ever asked “how do I kill Tank?”

Is it a shock that with a semi-viable Tank Buster in low to average ranks that a hero that was never needed or asked for makes life hard for heroes that were never a problem in the first place for anyone else?

Same happens for literally any hero that gets a hard counter who didn’t need it; except Reaper works on an entire class.


No, that’s stupid, you’re not a “boss monster” that is just better than DPS. Reaper doesn’t cost less to field or anything, he should be equally valuable to tanks.

His high value against tanks is balanced by his weakness against DPS and even supports to some degree.

He is so easy to play he just needs to be able to get killed alone by tanks not making it impossible.

And no he is not balanced out at any means. Mei is even worse

“Just get someone else to kill him while he feeds health off you 4head”.

I’m one tricking hog just for fun in gold(always played in arcade, but moved into comp beacuse of time queues in arcade), but open mind if all the team want try some combination. And I’m wining there punishing bad positioning, overextending enemies and if some teammates does that alot…avoid and I can punish that in the next games(not soo many games so far, but like 80%winrate). At least in my matches the reapers are bad…they go by they on against me thinking they always wins…but one shot(primare or secondary depends on the distance) hook, shoot, meele and he is feeding…so yeah you can win with that tank at least in gold

Hog is just a fad DPS, I don’t count him as tank

To be fair I also don’t like 1 dimensional heroes like bastion and brig. I have no idea why blizzard keeps making easy to use heroes that are hard counters. I honestly would prefer soft counters.

You just don’t see these heroes huge, massive weaknesses. Reaper is a one trick pony who is just ruined by other DPS heroes if they’re competent. Any long ranged DPS, which is nearly all of them, just dances on Reaper’s grave. Mei is all CC and has the worst damage out of any DPS (I’m not even sure she outdamages Sombra). She can easily lead to an ineffectual, low damage team.

Just that her cc is so much it’s too much, she can freeze faster then SYM can kill her with a full charged shot.

So pick Hanzo and kill her from halfway across the map.

Also, maybe you are playing the wrong tank? Orisa has tools to help her deal with Reaper and Mei. It’s not a foolproof matchup but she is less powerless against them than Rein.

No, cause there’s the problem. Mei needs close to no aim, but her only counters need much more aim then her.

Mei is going to be very low value if she can’t hit her right click.

Also, maybe consider working on your aim? Being able to aim is the difference between “Reaper is an overpowered monster” and “Reaper is pretty weak and bad.”