You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

Idk dude, you you don’t enjoy getting hacked and then punched around the map for the better part of the game then there’s something clearly wrong with you…

I should be able to kill every DPS, DPS should need more skill then me, but no DPS are so damn easy everyone can play and wreck with them. DPS need to get much harder.

Other games have great solo queue communication. Looking at A LOT of high SR games and you see they talk great. Even low elo games sometimes have communication, though its gonna suck since not everyone agrees on what to do during low elos.

This is just completely wrong for plat level QP. You still require tanks to win in nearly all situations and teams usually succeed or fail based on tanking.

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Yeah but plat, litterly went in game said we need to counter Mei or reaper, what they pick? Soldier…

Not anymore, it’s just who has the better Mei or reaper. They win always, every single time

Soldier is an ok counter for Reaper and isn’t any worse into Mei than anyone else.

Also, Mei and Reaper aren’t particularly good. I see Reaper lose all the time. Mei is usually bad unless the Mei player is amazing. There are a few out there but most Mei players are not very good.

He is really bad at countering both of them.

Why should a tank kill a DPS though? Try climbing as a Widow, Genji, Mcree, or soldier and see how different it is. Tanks have a different set of problems from DPS. Also from how you talk I really hope you are still in your teens so you have time to mature.

To deal with most of those you need a Zarya or DVa, With Reaper Zarya can block a shot (meaning he doesn’t get life regen from that shot) which makes him far easier to chunk down. DVa’s even better against Reaper overall, provided you’re playing as a team and your DPS aren’t wandering off somewhere. Matrix over Reaper and he does no damage or heals himself, leading to what can be an easy kill.

for Mei, timing your bubbles as Zarya is key, you can nullify her freeze effect with them, allowing a quick burst onto the Mei from your team. DVa just has to keep her distance, play high ground, and try to eat Mei’s Ult. The key time to strike Mei is just after she’s used Cryo, as with lower Wall HP, she can be an easy target if piled on.

Sombra’s the tricky one, I can’t remember for sure, as Zarya isn’t a tank I play much, but her bubble if timed right can interrupt Sombra’s Hack, giving you a window with which to either force her away, or kill her. Then, provided none of your team is dead, you’ve got short window of 6v5, if you can punish the enemy during that time, then it doesn’t matter if Sombra Hacks you if all her team are dead. DVa’s role is limited against Sombra, you can try to eat her damage so she can’t charge EMP as quickly, and you can also “spy-check” by spamming likely locations Sombra may be hiding, as she can’t Hack anyone if she’s taking damage.

Oh, if you play Rein, there’s one small tip you can do, most Mei’s in lower ranks will stay in Cryo for the full duration, if you learn to time your Charge just right, you can catch her just as she leaves Cryo, leaving a nice Mei-shaped imprint on a wall. You can do the same with Reaper out of Wraith, but that one’s a bit more difficult.

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Cause they are harder to play.

As a soldier main that is false. I have no problems with a reaper and Mei. They need to get near you but have no means to catch you with your speed. You do great damage on mid range and have self heals. Lastly, at this point, I am sure you are a troll idiot.

He is quite good against Reaper. Outranges him badly and can sprint away if Reaper starts to close.

I would say Hanzo and Ashe are better against Reaper but Soldier is definitely at a large advantage against Reaper.

Widow, Genji, Mcree, Hanzo require much more technical skill than tanks. Tanks require a different set of skills, but accurate aim isn’t one of them.

Guys, no point in arguing with this guy. He has been complaining about the very existence of DPS heroes in this game for as long as I can remember.


No he is not wtf :sweat_smile:
Reaper just needs to attack your tanks and soldier can’t do anything against it.

Not even remotely true. They need much less skill. They just need to shoot and prey.

Yup,he is just mad and bad. This thread should be closed.


Yeah he can, he can shoot Reaper in the head. Soldier does a ton of damage if he’s accurate.

Reaper is not indestructible and most tanks have damage mitigation. Against a team with competent DPS, Reaper will die before their mitigation runs out.

Try then and see if you even get past 40% accuracy and key kills with the different set of problems they have. I might argue you just have to put a shield on the barrier tanks, hook with hog, and be annoying with hammond and monkey. But I know tanks are much more than that, same with DPS.

When you get that? Heck when you even get a soldier.

I’m already. Or above this. It’s not hard to play Any DPS. They’re so stupidly easy to play. Need no game sense just need to kill

I am a functional hitscan player myself. I can safely say that if my team is halfway competent, I can counter Reaper as Soldier. Although I would do better on Ashe or Hanzo.