You can't simultaneously oppose Doomfist and Double Shield

Hot take: You cannot simultaneously support nerfing Doomfist and changing the Double Shield meta (two popular opinions) while Doomfist counters Double Shield


he doenst counter double shield , he destroy the backlines what he can do with any tank comp , double shields as nothing to do with doomfist being OP , he got 10 bug fixed that for the most part were buffs that made him more consistent at the same time that sigma and 2/2/2 were release


Yes i can.
Doomfist has the worst hero design in the entire game and should have never been released, and i hate double barriers because of how few heroes are viable in it.


I oppose Orisa, Sigma, Widowmaker, Doomfist and Lucio. These heroes should be nerfed into the ground and forgotten.

I absolutely can actually. You don’t dictate what I can support

Plot twist, what if people just wanna fix both?

Nerf Doom so he’s not as annoying, and get rid of double shield in the first place so he’s not so necessary anyways.

Boom problem solved. You act as if it has to be one or the other.

Doomfist was already a problem before this meta, it just wasn’t as widespread.

The issue is that most other DPS are horrible against double shield. Doomfist is just the one that isn’t horrible.

The funny part is that doomfist counters are some of the worst picks against double shield.

Doomfist was the start of a slippery slope into cooldown dominant play. Not saying he doesn’t take skill, but that cooldowns and cc have gotten more and more over the top and it ain’t a good thing.

Why is doomfist suddenly a counter to barrier tanks to the forum?
Hes designed to assassinate squishies.

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How many DPS can completely ignore shields and being effective?
You have your answer.

Yeah, i wouldn’t say that he’s very skill intensive tbh…
All of his abilities have extremely forgiving hitboxes on low cooldowns with multiple effects.

I was having this discussion the other day but I think the Sombra changes will help

We all know she’s really effective against doomfist…the reason she is not used is because even if she were to hack one of the two tanks, the other can still put up a shield for the team…and her dps isn’t super high…AND this isn’t goats where everyone is in one spot jus begging to be EMPd…

Her ability to hack Sigma’s shield now will at the very least make her more of a threat so I’m very curious to see if her usage rate increases

Well it takes a certain amount of skill to be able to keep track of cooldowns, know when to dive onto someone, how to use abilities properly etc.

This whole no skill thing is nonsense, all heroes require skill, just different types and to different degrees.
You can only compare heroes who use a similar kit (hitscans etc) no one has a kit like doomfists so you can’t really compare it to anything.
Just his kit is designed in such a way that hes going to be incredibly annoying to deal with unless you have a sombro (trash pick) or get lucky.

Doomfist takes skill in the same sense that it takes skill to turn on your computer.
Everyone knows that he’s not difficult to play at this point lol get over it.

At ranks where Doomfist has a higher pickrate is the pickrate for Double Shields higher or lower?

It’s higher.

Are the double shield tanks holding a high winrate at those ranks?


Might this suggest that Doomfist is a component of double shields and not a counter to double shields?

The important thing here is that all the other heroes that would counter double barrier are punished badly by CC because they have low sustain or punishable cooldowns.

Doomfist has above average sustain for a flanker (especially in the current meta where Moira can keep him somewhat alive with orb or coalescence), high mobility, and much higher burst damage than Tracer, Genji, d.VA, or Winston.

He also counters half of those by juggling them off the lobby, and forces the other half into unfavorable approach angles because the threat of being pasted by a rocket punch is enough to make them think twice about engaging without knowing exactly where Doomfist is.