You can climb with ANY character

“I played Brigitte for x amount of time with x high winrate, therefore she is overpowered!!!”

I played Orisa for 3 hours the other day. She shot up to being my second most played this season. I do not play Orisa for any extended amount of time, ever, she’s never even been near my top 5 most played in any other competitive season.
What’s my winrate on Orisa this season?


I played 20 games with her, won 15, lost 5. I had a game or two where I blocked something like 40-50k damage (10k was on Rein because I needed his ultimate for something :roll_eyes: ), almost 30 elims, I’ve had games with gold damage and have always had gold objective time and kills, I excelled with this hero, and have a great winrate with her.

Does that make her overpowered?
Does that make her easy to play?
God no.

ANY character in the game can be used to climb, it’s called knowing how to play that character, knowing your positioning, ultimate use, ability management, communication, team work.
Someone can pick up Widow and find it easy to play her, and can use that to climb really quick.
A good Moira can carry their team to victory game after game after game.
A good Genji can absolutely ruin the enemy team time and time again.
If people suddenly payed attention to working with their team and their positioning and whatever suddenly everyone would be doing much better.

Brigitte is a hero that can be picked up easily, yes. She is an entry-level hero. Brigitte is a hero that needs her changes, also yes. ( HOW TO FIX BRIGITTE - from a Brigitte main ). But just because you manage to pick up a hero and do well with them doesn’t mean they’re overpowered. Calm down.

And no I don’t want your dumb links to the person who was already supposed to be in master, who literally lazy-human’d there way to existing in plat and then actually started trying again with Brigitte and magically climbed back to master. That proves no point other than maybe people should stop not giving a crap in competitive.

Anyway, feel free to get agro in the replies like you always do :roll_eyes: I play this toxic wasteland of a game every day of my life you think I’m phased? lol



If a hero can wipe out half the enemy team while impossible to be punished without a 6v1 does that make her balanced?


This is probably going to get toxic soon. So I wish you a great day and may the forum positivity odds be in your favor


Because Oblivion isn’t on ps4 :frowning:


I think the reason so many are saying this, is because of the guy who made the tube video where he went from gold to masters with a near 3/1 w/l ratio.

Then a bunch of teenagers come to the forums pretending that this is the way it is.

Personally I think Brig is easy to use at lower tiers, but harder to use at higher skill rating because everyone knows how to play around her.

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Thanks precious :heart: Don’t worry, half my posts are about Brigitte and the other half are about Symmetra so I’m used to it xD

Ouch, that’s a masochistic life.

yeah but some characters need 20 games to climb (brigitte 100% winnrate) and some other characters need 2k games to climb (Mccree 51% winnrate) so yeah.


tell me how long it takes u to become a top500 torb 1 trick then.

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So the point I am getting from this topic is Orisa is difficult, Brig is easy, Brig needs to be changed.

thank you for these confirmations

She’s just really easy to climb with. The devs didn’t correlate her skill level to how effective she is. Simply too much for too little.

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This is literally the dumbest comment i’ve ever seen on this entire forum. She can’t wipe out half the enemy team. She counters solo targets with bad positioning, and making a strong team push stops that. Tracer could easily pick Zen and Ana without being punished. D.Va can do the same. D.Va and Tracer are fine, and so is Brigitte.

End of story.


Skill level =/= how easy it is to climb. It’s a team based game, and your whole team’s teamwork should determine that. Having positive communication and being coordinated while maybe being slightly less skilled than the enemy team, who might have toxic mics? Being coordinated as a team would have a higher chance of winning. Brigitte is also extremely easy to deal with.

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yeah but that means all the tiny children need to switch off of genji and tracer and thats no fun :roll_eyes:

Than come with me to a planet called Pandora

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I’m a torb main top 500

OP is not joking you can climb with any hero to any rank. Git gud or get reked.

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eye-twitch no Cyrodiil, no want :sob:

Borderlands has always interested me though :heart_eyes:

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That’s true you can climb with any character. People just dont like how much value Brig gives for what they perceive as little “effort”.

I’m of two minds. She’s never really a massive issue in my games but also I see her taking on two enemies at once frequently and just surviving for what seems longer than any hero should, especially a support lol.



Tracer and Genji?

No, no, no! It’s ok that they had the highest pickrates in the game for so long! Supports are supposed to be easy picks! No, no!

It’s skill! You can’t nerf us! Skill! Skill!

Brigitte? I can’t counter her, but that’s not my skill, it’s because she’s braindead and there’s 100% no way to beat her, no matter what, easy to play, kills in a 6v11!1!1!1!

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