You are where you belong

“Unranked new accounts”, older accounts I hear some high-skilled streamers give up on.

I’ll say this for billionth time. People are mostly complaining not because they’re stuck or reached at certain SR. Your complaining of a narrative you are creating.

What people complain about are:

  1. Unexplained and drastic loss streaks
  2. Blizzare noob bots potatoes partners in certain games
  3. Derankers
  4. Smurfs
  5. Solo-q and stacks
  6. Hard stuck but old accounts (generally people get new accounts and rank that one up)
  7. Last but not least, roflstomps

What makes this game more frustrating than anything is being at a certain sr and still getting or doing roflstomps. If the system is so perfect the how come the day 2 day games are so bad?


Why do you think that you belong any higer rank if you can’t handle 1 ( one ) higer rank player aka. ”Smurf” ? When you get any higer rank you will face 6 higer rank player… This is so hilarious… All whiners wants to go higer rank and meanwhile get sad when one higer rank player owns you a little bit and don’t understand that if you get any higer rank you will face 5 more ” smurf ” :rofl:

So…they’re complaining about things that stop them from climbing? Wait…didn’t I just say that…? :wink: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

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name checks out, gr8 b8 m8 Ir8 8/8

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Match quality not climbing.

Again, if people felt match quality is ok and if everyone was doing their job, these forums would look drastically different.

People would buy into git gud. I partially did but then I hear roflstomps and potatoes are in every rank so then I kinda just play for fun (I still aim train and may get serious time to time…)


Well i mean on my account i cant climb out of silver gold but i made a new account and placed diamond and i stay between 2900 and 3200 and my new account is a year old i think now.

There is definitely something going on idk what it is

So now this account is my warmup account and i play on it if i lose 2 games in a row on my other account

I found with this account i run into more throwers and greifers than my newer one. Maybe thats why its hard to climb at the elo im at on here


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.

You do like to argue a strawman, however.


I’m fairly sure if we go from the top of the competitive forum list and check the first 100 posts that reference smurfs, cheating, matchmaker, etc, most of the OP’s will talk about not being able to climb :upside_down_face: :wink:


Seen this topic so much along with all the usual stuff on here. Not sure why I keep responding, but I will repeat my usual argument as usual. People usually can play better then where they are placed. I have climbed up to gold multiple times even though I can’t seem to understand to not solo queue and find myself back down at bronze…

Anyway, you can always improve as a player, however as noted in another thread, winning plays a pretty big part of your SR if you are below Plat if I am remembering right. Down here in bronze I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to give advice to supports or tanks and told to shut up or get insults thrown. “Hey tanks wait for the team…” “Hey supports, I need a quick heal.” I main DPS, but I know it is the same on other roles since I used to just play flex on xbox with my buddies. If other roles aren’t pulling their weight, you aren’t going to be able to play at your best. Then you lose and drop SR.

So again, my usual argument, you can always improve in the game, but just like the argument of “Well the matchmaking is rigged” the “You are where you are belong because you just suck that bad” is also a dumb argument. You can play higher then where you are, but if you have bad teammates then you can only do so much unless you are really smurfing on an account.


To me the proof is : there’s loss streaks, potatoes, and stomps even high ranking games. It’s rare a high ranking person will admit this while they’re bashing a low level for complaining.


You are not allowed to stay stuff like that here. You will get spam reported and banned.

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I should be at LEAST +1sr. How DARE you say I’m where I belong. I am extremely offended. :rage::anger:

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Better not to even talk in bronze lol… :wink:

I placed bronze once for science. Got back to gold easily.

Turned off all chat/voice, went a hero with carry potential and went at it :slight_smile:

I’d argue it’s more about people forcing hero picks that are sub-optimal for the DM like bronze environment, people should practice heroes that can hold their own and have decent impact (I would never force Mercy in bronze lol). :upside_down_face:

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Nah dont agree at all. Spend some time down as a main tank in the cess pits that are plat and below, and you’ll see how many games are out of your hands, no matter how well you play and carry. I’ve been playing this game for a long time and the state of play down there is as bad as I can remember


Who’s innactive/old account did you use? I’m actually really curious on how you went about doing this.

Why do you guys always act like the matchmaker argument is about winning games and climbing? It’s not. It’s about playing in matches with other players of your same skill level.

For many players that rarely happens because of the janky matchmaker trying to put carries and potatoes together for a 40% win chance, for example. That’s not going to be a fun match unless you are a GM speeding through the ranks ignorantly trying to prove something that nobody ever actually argued.

Yes. And just because they are content at a lower rank doesn’t mean they should have to suffer with poor matchmaking, imo.

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Well to be fair man if the matchmaker is attempting to force a 50/50 game (and I would vote that this is the case) the further you play from your rank the less chance you will encounter a 50/50 game.

I think there are plenty of people who played at plat that have fallen into gold or high silver, these people are put in games that have similar skilled players near the rank. I think a masters/gm skilled player is not going to find many games in silver gold or plat where the match maker found a guy of equal skill to put against you.

I do know in diamond you will climb much slower since it is easier for the game to at least put a masters level diamond in your game, not to mention the gm players alt accounts sitting in diamond.

I also think if you play at 4000 rating, you will eventually reach it. This does not mean the matchmaker does not make 50/50 games it just means if you fall it can take forever clawing your way back up with tiny +5 jumps per like 10 games played.


That cannot be fixed. Some players abuse the meta and reach ranks above their skill level. Some players literally smurf. How you going to fix that?

Thats literally common problem among all online games lol


Well ranking up is pretty easy now if you’re a smurf as I tried it myself from the Black Friday sale for experimental purposes. Only made the account to play tanking mostly on Orisa and Zarya. My main 2700 and almost gold border. (account I wrote this comment) My first comp match on a smurf was in a 2800 when new players should be in 1800. After completing my 5 placements I got to 3100.

It’s so weird that I sweat a lot on my main when you can make a new account and suddenly it’s simple. Would have to be due to to the fact it’s a dying game and the system can’t decide where you should belong due to small active players in your region.

Overall smurfing now is pointless and now my new account is just an alt and don’t play comp anymore but play casuals with friends.

where did you start at? thats a strong climb! im doing a similar challenge on this account cus so many people here say it impossible to climb on a stuck account & that it takes too long for sr boost to kick in.

it used to be hardstuck 2.3k n after 11 games so far my wins net around +30 sr my last two were +35. my stats are good and the games havent become hard yet no forced losses to be seen so it might kick up to +40 or +50 if i keep up the wins