"You are banned: Season 10"

I can’t play ranked anymore, I seem to be banned for the entire season. I haven’t received a single explanation either via mail or IG about it. I’m just banned ? Why ? How ?
Yesterday I was banned for 15 min following a bug of network issue where the queue was unable to connect me to the game ( which was already very frustrating). I then proceeded to play the entire evening and today I’m banned …

Besides that, I sometimes forget I queued because it took too long and I’m alt tabbing watching a video, meaning I’m kicked of the game for AFK start, I’m banned for 15 min and the others have to requeue but lose nothing except time. It must have happened between 4 and 8 times last season but never this season.
But besides that, I have NEVER left a game willingly before its end in all of my Overwatch 1 and 2 years.

Is it a bug ? And if not, why haven’t I received any word of explanation either via mail or IG about the reason of this ban ? This is unacceptable


Any official comment on “Connection to Server Failed” Bug - Bug Report - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

I already asked here for a official statement, but i don´t know… if it will help


I have the EXACT same! I got the network issue yesterday and was suspended for 15 minutes, and then now I signed on today to “You are banned: Season 10”, I have not gotten any emails or notifications at all. I even sent in an appeal and just got a bot response that it had to do with their policies, which I have not broken at all.

I seriously hope this is a bug as I have spent a lot of money on this game and the newest battle pass as well, and I mostly just play comp.


Me and my friend have had the same issue. It’s frustrating, while a lot of trolls and bad players are playing normally. Yesterday we got a 15’ ban for a disconnect (caused by the game, I must say) and we continued playing with no problems. I went to bed and this morning I just went online and saw I was banned for no reason. So yeah.


It’s the same for me. Any update on this?


Fragcat linked a blue answering it on the eu forum ( 3 posts earlier above yours). So yeah they are working on it


I have the exact same problem, with the 15 min ban yesterday as well, I want this fixed now and compensation for the trouble!


Same bs here … a compensation would be nice ind


YES i have the same problem i got ban from ranked while I didn’t do anything wrong, I never left an overwatch game.
Please fix this bug asap overwatch !!!


“I have the same issue. Yesterday, on April 23rd, I had a game where I couldn’t connect, and I immediately received a 15-minute penalty (my first ‘leave’ this season, which was actually a bug). And today, on April 24th, it says that I am banned for season 10.” So please unban me :slight_smile:


It’s exactly the same for me


Same problem for me.


I got the glitch as well happy it’s just not me but I hope they do something to fix it


Me and my buddy got it to…

yeah i already asked for apeal
feeew good then

Free LKERNNY!!! he aint do nothing wrong he is innocent! Unban him and give me $5

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Have you got a link to this please?

same here. yesterday enqueued and while waiting: game found! connection to server failed. suspended 15 mins.

close client, force logout bnet agent, restart client, connect: game found! connection to server failed.

repaired client files, took a while, no change. at some point it started working, but now
in competitive: you are banned. wth?

FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! FREE LKERNNY! HAHAHAHHAH but fr tho I would not mind if you unbanned this fine gentleman. He is only outta pocket in the streets but in comp he is a fine man and barely legal,