"You are banned: Season 10"

Same here. Yesterday i was playing and i got a suspension for 15 mins. After serving the suspension, i played several games but today when i opened the game, I saw that i was banned for the whole season (S10). I’m so disappointed with the way the game bans people while there are many who are out there that actually deserve being banned.

hey big boys, can yall unban my homie? He is LKERNNY.ttv minus the ttv but fr he should stream cause he is goated ( silver rank )

I’ve never received a warning for anything suspension-worthy. I was disconnected from the game before it started so I got a 15-minute suspension. I then logged on today to find I’ve been season-banned. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Can I contact blizzard?

Blues have answered the problem on this thread, they are aware of the problem and are searching for a global solution. So no you can’t fix the issue yourself and contacting Blizzard won’t help as they already know. The customer service will even likely just copy paste you the rules like the good bots they are.

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Me and my friend also have this. Can we have an update? I’m worried they will fail to un-ban us.

Exactly the same. 15 ban then whole season bann, even i dont get the 15 min bann’ reaso. So sad.

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Me too! I got suspended why the lobby failed, not because I left. Then I got banned. I never did anything, played 84 games this season and have been playing for 8 years. Never a single issue, and now I am banned for the whole season I paid to play as battle pass pro.

It seems we are a lot in this case and a Blue has said they’re looking into it so I don’t doubt it’ll be fixed. But it’s still extremely frustrating and really pathetic from Blizzard to have allowed this to happen.

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Hey everyone, we’re working to address this issue now. See this post for details: Regarding Competitive Leaver Penalties in Season 10