You all ready for another 18 months of useless Widowmaker?

Dive is coming back with more ferocity then when it left, it appears itll be a triple tank dive with one of the tanks being immune to sniper headshots 70% of the time and most of the burst damage coming from the form.

Brigittes nerfed, hanzos nerfed. Those 2 were the only reasons dive was as bad as it was, now that brigitte cant deal with multiple dive at the same time anymore and now that hanzos dragonball combo isnt broken and he isnt insane.

Welcome to dive 2.0, more bs then 1.0

primary fire is left mouse button. alternate fire is right mouse button.

Genji uses his fan more than his volley, but his volley is still his primary fire.

sym currently uses her orbs more than her beam but her beam is still her primary fire

Yall are really trying to argue like basic facts of this game.

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They added fall off damage to it. Yeah it’s a nerf, but at the ranges widow fights at your primary fire isn’t going to hit the broad side of a barn

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yeah I see something wrong with having absolutely no counterplay to her counters.

She will be f-tier mark my words. triple tank dive is coming and her nerfs are going to make her useless.

widowmaker wasnt F tier even when she had a 12s CD vs dive.

Never knew the worst weapon in the game is a weapon that can 1 shot 50% of the entire cast.

Man these OWL players are all scrubs using such a horrible weapon in almost every map. Especially Pine - what a newbie right? Using such a bad weapon.

uh yeah they do?

genji fans 3 shurikens at the same time that all hit at the same time allowing for a higher dps output at close range. if he were to lmb when he is close he couldn’t put out as much damage. that’s why they are called “primary and alternate fire” because they are used differently depending on the situation.

Im done. if you cant understand something as simple as the difference between primary and alternate fire, you aren’t intelligent enough to talk to.

Widows sniper is an ALTERNATE form of fire of what her base gun does.

It may be her PRIMARY source of damage but it is the guns ALTERNATE form of fire.

alternate means taking place of or secondary

and widows right click TAKES THE PLACE OF her standard guns form

it is quite literally the alternate fire of the gun.

Glad this lesson in basic English is over. You don’t get to change definitions of words in the English language that have been around for centuries.

guess you need the English lesson too.

It’s fine, I didn’t want my Widow account to be unsuspended for more than a couple days at a time anyway.

So you admit that you are wrong then?

He is telling Zcar what we are calling her sniper. It’s her primary way of killing people using one weapon so it’s her “primary”. The regular game definition of “primary” being lmb isn’t what we are talking about at all.

i admit that her rmb isnt her actual primary weapon, im not stupid. However, you have to be ignorant to not realize that her rmb is the primary USE of the weapon.

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One or two at max then yeah ,having counterplay isn’t bad.

But when there’s 3+ HARD counters at all times (who are very close to your skill level) and you’re still able to do extremely well ,then there’s an issue.

I don’t honestly see the problem ,it’s just not her meta

hog primary fire is his hook cos he uses it the most xdx d

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get out of here with your mocking comment. We are comparing lmb and rmb, not actual shift or E abilities. His rmb is used more at range then lmb so at range his rmb is his primary weapon use.

They obviously want us to play more Hanzo instead of Widow. He got a baby nerf to his mobility despite the meta being made around him yet Widow got hit the hardest. They don’t want us to play Widow anymore.

was just a joke chill out m8

the game is much better when Widow serves a very niche role

who are “we”?
im fascinated by the populism going on here.
“we call widowmakers…”
“we know full bloody well…”.
i dont. so who are the others?

I’d assume it’s the 3 or 4 other people arguing with the same guy.

If you don’t consider yourself part of the group, then don’t pretend people are including you in it.

we is going for at least me and terran in the chat since we are the ones arguing with zcar, its just easier saying we.