You all ready for another 18 months of useless Widowmaker?

Eh, I think Bastion is one of the better examples of a niche character in the OWL. He is frequently run on Junkertown offense as part of the pirate ship team comp.

Bastion has 35% iron clad on console for a long time.
Only on PC was he nerfed fast.

Snipers slow the game down? How?
Especially when you have heroes in the game that can block 50000+ damage per game.


wasnt widow meta in dive tho

Widowmaker doesn’t need a nerf, she needs a rework.

Instead of changing the grapple recast, I would make it so if you use grapple while taking damage, the timer is doubled. So 8 seconds normally, 16 seconds while attacked by a DVA/Winston/whatever. Possibly even disconnect the grapple while getting shot, so you move shorter distance away.

Because low grapple recast is important for traversing the map and reaching sniper shelves. It could also be removed and replaced with climbing, if you for some reason hate diversity and want all heroes “balanced”.

If you worry about Kephrii trick shots where they swing into the air and shoot, you could also add a “no snipe” in air rule, and force widowmakers to stand on ground while sniping.

These “nerfs” would be much better for widowmaker overall than increasing her recast on grapple. You’d still constantly be one-shot though… but that was never related to grapples to begin with.

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Primary fire - her SMG bro. Her SMG is terrible and has been made worse.


because nearly everyone else is constantly moving, even bastion should be repositioning often to get the best kills, widow just feels slow, sitting on a perch 2shotting from far away. It doesn’t really match the constant movement of the rest of the characters.
Snipers just about work in games like tf2 and CS:go where the entire pace of the game is slower, but there’s just so much happening in overwatch at any one time-widow just feels out of place.
That said I think a lot of games are finding snipers aren’t as fun these days.

Widow rellies only in mechanical skill, if you are a god you will make her work, at least she’s not a Symmatra case, that keep being a joke hero since forever.

Widow: - 18 months being flamed called troll.
Symmetra - Hold my microwave!

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Um. Yes she is. That’s what she does.


That’s actually her alt-fire. Her primary fire is the SMG, which is pretty meh

This kind of overreaction…are you secretely a mercy main ?

Absolutely nobody is talking about her smg. Who really uses that anyways? The only time you should ever use that is if you can’t point blank snipe.

Bro, I call her sniper her primary because that’s the thing she primarily uses. Say it’s her LMB then because that’s accurate but you don’t go sniping with her smg.


her sniper fire is her alternate fire. its her main source of damage. but its her alternate fire. you call her sniper the wrong thing. you are wrong.


That’s what the OP was referring to when he said “nerfing her primary fire.” But also that’s kinda his point. It sucks already, there’s not really any reason to use it, yet it’s getting nerfed. I don’t think anyone is going to argue that her alt fire is too weak.

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What button do you push to shoot it? LMB? then yeah, it’s her primary fire. She has two weapons basically and one of them is used more than the other. I will call the one used more than the other her primary because that’s what everyone uses. Just call them what they are, her smg and her sniper. It fixes just about all the confusion this “primary” thing caused. Someone else thought you meant the sniper too so it’s not just me.

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What was the nerf to her SMG?

Well Widowmaker and Hanzo hp still at 200 so they’re far from useless. When it becomes 150hp then they have a reason to run at close range.

Fall-off damage. It previously did not have any

Personally I think adding fall-off is fine, since it’s supposed to be an SMG, but OP does have a point that it’s not really that great from the get go.

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She was doing very well in a meta where four of her hard counters were all being ran at the same time ,nothing about that seems wrong to you ?

also she’ll still have a niche even with this nerf ,she won’t be F-tier.

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