You all need to accept that Mass Rez is never coming back

You don’t need to get a whole team in a Grav.
2 or 3 is enough to win a fight, point or game.

In fact, the lower you go, 3 picks is actually enough to win two team fights, because you can keep staggering them as they respawn.

Just wanted to give some advice and say you can’t care about either if you’ve never played Mercy before at all :man_shrugging:

It’s just game, why you heff to be so balance?

Game shud be fun first, yes?

It’s fine, I think I get what the idea proposes. Kind of like a meter and the more she heals or fills up the meter, the more rezes she gets when she ults. I’ve seen this mentioned before, even on the old forums. A meter, a charge bar, or something along those lines. I think it would have been a fun idea and made her more engaging to play. Right now, even though she’s good at what she does, she does seem a little bland to play. But maybe that’s a good thing in some ways? Like she doesn’t outshine other healers, nor is she worse than them.

Well the nerf grav too, I have no problem with that. I think ults are too strong anyways.

You want everything to feel as weak and unimpactful as Valk?


Note: FEEL


The game would be better IMO.

You should just press Q and 3 people die or 4 people come back. Weaker ults you get more often like Tracers are much more health

Mercy also was in the battle… Depending on how you played. Also LOS would of fixed that.


She actually outshines them because she is so bland. Why risk screwing up something like sleep dart, when you can just rez whoever it was you were trying to save with the sleep dart in the first place?

It’s boring for Mercy. It’s suffocating for the other healers. Her stats aren’t a problem, she isn’t healing so much more than the good ones or winning so many more games. But she’s a lot less prone to those mistakes that cost games. So she gets the play time.

It’s whichever team presses Q the most first wins now. Your team can press Q much more than necessary to “send a message” to the other team too. It’s good dumb fun, but really tones the overall gameplay down to be as shallow as a mere deathmatch.

Accidents happen. Good thing there was an earned ability that was sometimes available to undo it. What was also fun as a counter strategy: launching a nuke at a fresh team rez and turning it into a team kill. From a thinking player’s perspective, and from a spectator standpoint, that made for a riveting play, that turned into a counter play, to be foiled by a counter-counter play. I argue the game potentially had moments like that which made it much more exciting than the ult-spam fest of a state it is in now.


Actually, Tracer was able to win games by herself by assaulting people as they respawn and continually killing support or DPS players.

The nerf to pulse bomb was needed.
It’s still a very strong ability.

I won’t lie though, I said out loud to my best friend other day, I reckon Overwatch would become immediately more enjoyable, if everyone had + 100 health added to their bars.

If tracer ult is too much then mass rez is WAYYYYY too much


There were alot of mains who wanted her to be more than a DM bot.

I didn’t like Mass Resurrection. All you did was farm ult and then hold it hoping more than one person would die so using it would be worth it. “If you have to die, die on point,” so you could have enough dead bodies together to make it worth it.

If the enemy team wiped your team and you didn’t get caught you’d bring them back and would wipe their team. Then their Mercy would resurrect them and you would have the most annoying and long stall fest ever.


Tracer can get her ultimate every minute, has the most mobility in the game and the best escape tool.

Tracer can punish you with pulse bomb in MANY MANY WAYS.

The only way you could lose to mass rez is by over ulting.

Nowhere near comparable.

Ps. Please argue with me 9 more times so I can reach 999 posts created c:


Yes tracer 300 damage pulse bomb > then 5 mans rez??
LUL just LUL

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It was 400 back then…
The lost of damage effects the fall of more than anything.

Less likely for Tracer players to solo carry games by ulting the respawn wave.

Dude, if you’re going to act like xQc can you at least pretend to be good at the game? LUL4HEAD.

It’s not 400 damage though. it’s 300 now why are we using something that does exist anymore in balance talks

Which means one kill if you lucky which mercy can undo with her E

It was 400 when mass rez existed.

You can’t compare the nerfed pulse bomb to mass rez, that never happened. They never existed at the same time.

That’s you twisting this to support your argument in whatever absurd way you can.

That wasn’t why D.Va was changed though. Many voluntary megathreads were made to complain about D.Va being too passive in play and unfun to play as compared to how many people played her prior to S4. It wasn’t until D.Va’s rework, several seasons later, was her power reduced from her DM and shifted to damage, at the cost of further downtime windows.

D.Va’s rework should be credited to the increasing number of people who started complaining about her being unfun to play against, since D.Va mains were adapting and getting good with her again. As usual, pickrates and winrates were thrown in the mix as justification, and the rest was history.