Seriously, it’s gonna be a year in September and its thread after thread of disguised “we want the old Mercy back”
No matter what excuses you guys make about making it seem like it needs to be back like this stupid Graviton Dragon Strike debacle happening right now or just team kills in general does not make it a valid reason to ever get back.
Me personally, I felt like Mercy should’ve stayed having 2 Rez charges, 1 for her ability every 30 seconds and the other granted when Valkyrie was activated, especially considering the delay in it now upon activation. But even that will never happen again either.
It’s just amazing that people are still asking for it. That’s like D. Va mains asking for her old Defense Matrix back. And as nice as that would be, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. And we accept that. The most I ever see is people asking for a revert to D. Va’s health, but even then they don’t really care about it. It’s like people asking for Scatter to return or probably in the very near future, everyone wanting the old Symmetra back. Big changes like these will never be reverted. I’d like to be proven wrong, but its a solid fact and we all need to be honest about it.
So do yourself a favor and move on, or you’ll never truly be happy about Mercy ever again if you don’t let this thing go.
I think the biggest counterargument to the rework was that a portion of Mercy 1.0 players didn’t find new Mercy “fun” and as we all know, balance must come before fun. Now I know those Mercy players will say “what good is balance if it’s not fun to play” but what they don’t realize is there is an entire community here, and not just them. We have to take everyones pov in to account here. If Zarya was this controversial hero that needed a rework by most accounts, I wouldn’t fight it because I personally find Zarya 1.0 more fun, I would look at Zarya 1.0 and 2.0 and see which one is more balanced and better for the game as a whole. That should (ideally) take precedence over just fun because that’s what ultimately leads to a better, more balanced game. This is coming from someone with a lot of respect for Mercy mains and healers in general. They sacrifice a lot for the team.
I suppose I can understand what you’re saying, and I never cared for Mass Rez Mercy whether she stayed or she went, but I know whenever I had a Mercy on my team and they were just hiding and commanding us to die just so they can try to fly in and get that big Rez and ultimately fail and essentially cost us the map, that was definitely not fun either.
I played Mercy for a good amount of Season 5 I believe before Moira was introduced, and I had my fun because I didn’t have that cowardice playstyle that was used a lot when she had Mass Rez. I wish Valkyrie had more coolness factor to it, because her ult, while it can be useful, is just boring.
Nahh I miss mass rez and want it back, but I am fine with mercy and still play her ever now then… soo Yeah, I am both happy with Mercy and want 1.0 back… I highly doubt that Mercy mains are actually in distraught over this. but thats just my opinion, a mercy opinion. thanks for reading
Never is a long time. The developers should listen to their customers and see if they can come to a better compromise that pleases everyone, instead of arrogantly hiding all the woeful feedback and boastfully proclaim all is well.
In his last post regarding Mercy, Jeff completely missed the point of all this noisy Mercy grief and handwaved it all by arguing of her high pick rate. Pickrate numbers hide the fact that some long-time Mercy players have been alienated from a playstyle they enjoyed because a new set of players picked her up in their place. Does that sound like a good way to treat paying customers? Would you be fine if your favorite hero was altered in the same way that ruined your enjoyment playing them?
Mass Rez should come back. Better attempts to balance it should be made to preserve the overall game balance and fun factor of the game than what they had tried. Many suggestions have been offered this last half year, in the Megathreads and elsewhere. Now that this Mercy has been around for a while, it would make sense to still have a Valkyrie ability of some sort to appease current Mercy players as well. This may be harder to achieve now, but I believe a fair compromise would not be an impossibility at all.
While I do understand that balance is important I dont think that Blizzard did in anyway a good job with this rework at all. Hell the best thing that came out of it was a freaking bug.
I also invested tons of hours into Mercy (410) and collected all her cosmetics. This all feels useless and wasted now. I have no fun or any intention of playing her anymore but not because I dont want to! It is because they reworked her and never cared about our opinion at all. Tons of people made good suggestions and had great ideas and not just “revert Mercy”.
But hey whatever makes the game balanced I guess! Just dont ever ask me to play Mercy again.
Not everyone’s asking for mass resurrect to return though. Many just want a more engaging Mercy with a higher skill ceiling again, not the somewhat braindead and conflictive design we currently have.
Current Mercy design has a few issues:
‘On fire’ is screwed up
Resurrect is too powerful to have as a standard ability, unearned, on a fixed cooldown
Resurrect causes you to disengage from the match for nearly two seconds, while being immobile, you can’t even defend your position or heal someone else nearby
Valkyrie in its current design can’t really potentially make those ‘big game-changing plays’ that the patch notes originally mentioned
Valkyrie is essentially Mercy flying around with autopilot beams, but can’t outheal even a small amount of burst damage, it takes away decision making and is currently an ultimate that’s almost usable at any moment
Her standard kit is more powerful than her ultimate ability
I’ll tell you what’s fair, not being able to deny a well used ult with a single button press. Mercy players are just mad that their playstyle requires more than holding left click an entire game
What is the “Old Dva” exactly?? all the did was add rockets and give a small nerf to DM. right, they didn’t change her ult or anything. or are you guys talking about something else when you say old dva…
you fly and think about who is smartest to rez. you have to think about when to use valk, but for rez its looking at the killfeed, and if anymore than 3, press q.
Isn’t it more telling that, almost a year after it was done, people still want it back? If it was such a great change for the game, wouldn’t people have moved on by now?
As a Mercy main im glad mass Rez is gone. And im happy with how she is today.
Got tired of the crap where my team would get wiped. I’d rez em and they would wipe the enemy team, then their Mercy would swoop in rez em and me and my team would all get wiped by them cause they spammed their ults.
I do think we really could use the free valk rez back due to the nearly 2 second cool down though. But im still happy enough even without that.