I’ll answer you in Kanye form.
I miss the old D.Va
400 armor D.Va
4 second D.M. D.Va
She was the bully D.Va
I hate the new D.Va
The melts in no time D.Va
Rockets barrage D.Va
10 damage boop D.Va
I’ll answer you in Kanye form.
I miss the old D.Va
400 armor D.Va
4 second D.M. D.Va
She was the bully D.Va
I hate the new D.Va
The melts in no time D.Va
Rockets barrage D.Va
10 damage boop D.Va
Yeah, I know, I hear it all the time since I main D.Va. I love eating ults with my right click. Spicy dragon arrows, Pulse Bombs, even Graviton Surges. Denying a well-used ult with my regular right-click ability is fun and balanced.
That is a short-sighted argument that completely belittles anyone who is upset with how Mercy plays now because it is different from how she played before. Those that want some form of a revert or a compromise don’t want a must-pick or an I-win button for her.
From what little I have played him, I don’t think Hanzo feels that different in play after his rework. I personally have not seen much outrage by people that play him, but since I main D.Va and Mercy, the two most-changed heroes in the game, Hanzo mains have my sympathy.
Horses never die!
Valkyrie is the definition of hold left click an entire game.
you fly and think about who is smartest to rez.
You should never sacrifice Valkyrie’s mobility by rezzing someone while using it if at all possible. That’s suicide.
But I’m not a Mercy main, and I’m in the revert camp too.
Am I just an honorary Mercy, or is it more people than just Mercy mains?
One: You NEVER use Rez during Valk. It takes 3 seconds out of the duration of Valk to Rez; 2 for the casting, one for swooping in to Rez and one for swooping away where your beam isn’t connected. Furthermore, for 2 seconds you’re a large stationary glowing target that’s close to the ground. Who isn’t going to shoot that?
Two: The only time where Valk is useful is initiation, and even then any ultimate is going to tear through Valk’s healing. You can’t defend against an ult using Valk. You can’t save your team using Valk. Valk takes all of the skill that Mercy had left and throws it out the window, because Mercy is just on autopilot. A spectator to her team’s success or demise.
I barely play Mercy, but I think I’d be fine if they changed her ult so that it resets her rez and maybe gives it a shorter cooldown during her ult so she has a total of 2 or 3 rezzes during it.
Mercy is the game-changing coin; but I do think that the mass rez was too much. It should have required line-of-sight to be maintained before pressing q; anyone that wasn’t seen in the previous 5 seconds or so doesn’t get rezzed.
Denying a well-used ult with my regular right-click ability is fun and balanced.
Why was Dva reworked again? It is not fun and its not balanced. How do you think a Tracer feels when she knows shes about to stick a monster pulse bomb and you randomly press right click and deny it through luck.
The majority are.
Go to the mercy mega thread and find the people going nuts in there for the rez back that aren’t mercy mains
You sure about that?
Go to the mercy mega thread and find the people going nuts in there for the rez back that aren’t mercy mains
I have moved on, and I’m usually kinda stuck in my ways. I had hope until they outright said they won’t do it, then I decided that there was no point in deluding myself into thinking it was coming back and just try to make the best of the situation.
Yeah I go there quite a bit to see if Blizz has responded and add my two cents. It seems less like people are happy with valk, and more I’ve seen are just complacent because they know it’s a longshot to be reverted.
Mass rez was awesome… Fun fact, Mercy was a troll pick when Ana was strong. I want mass rez back because it was exciting to see a team wipe followed by a mass rez, it was frantic.
I’ll answer you in Kanye form.
I miss the old D.Va
400 armor D.Va
4 second D.M. D.Va
She was the bully D.Va
I hate the new D.Va
The melts in no time D.Va
Rockets barrage D.Va
10 damage boop D.Va
Lol thanks Yeah I thought “old Dva” referred to 4 sec dm and 400 armor.
suicide against Hanzo and Widows, but her movement penalty is less harsh in rez, although you’re also risking to cancel the rez if you stray too far from the soul.
Pretty sure. The casting time cuts into 20% of Valkyries runtime, and it leaves you wide open, in the air, as a large and glowing target.
One, you are basically impossible to hit during Valk. Two, this doesnt change the fact that you can rez during Valk.
But it’s a false choice, you can have both. Mercy was reworked, even though she was balanced, because they wanted everyone to be able to have fun. Therefore it shouldn’t be outside the realm of reason to change her to something both fun and balanced for the people playing her.
And this might even be better for the overall health of the game, because she’s currently the most used healer. That’s in large part because of how much frequently you can rez than you could when it was earned.
Every other hero is fun to play, capable of changing the outcome of a team fight with their ultimate, and more or less balanced. Mercy is the only one asked to give up two of those three. That’s not fair to Mercy players and it’s not necessary for everyone else.
With all due respect, why do you want a revert if you don’t play her as much?