You actually killed my favourite game

By switching to 5v5.

Look, I get it.
"I’m a dps player and shooting shields is boring", wahhh wahh wahhh, fine. Valid point. Nobody likes shooting shields all day.

But did you really have to remove a whole tank from each team to achieve this? You couldn’t just limit each team to 1 shield at a time?

I gave it a chance, I really did, but the spirit and feel of the old game is completely gone. It’s just so FAST. Fights are decided in the first few moments after a pick, there is barely any gradual teamfight or trading abilties for space anymore. It’s just which tank walks past the other one to get the first pick, or which sojourn clicks on a support’s head first. Rinse and repeat, over and over. Deathmatch with some objectives sprinkled in.

No more tank duo synergy, now we force the tank players to solo tank only. Now we force the supports to play for their lives and fend for themselves. But at least the dps players have less obstacles and more free spaces for heads to click on, right?

The whole structure of the original Overwatch I fell in love with is destroyed. There is a reason, all those years ago, the original developers did their playtesting and realized 6 players per team is the magic number. That’s what got the game so popular, it was perfect. It was designed for 6v6 and it worked for years.

I really didn’t want to believe Overwatch was dead, I kept hope for as long as I could, but I’ve finally given up. I don’t care if anyone reads this or replies, I just hope one of the current devs sees this and realizes I’m not the only one that feels this way.

5v5 was a mistake.


This is a great point. I wish they had kept the two games separate. Clearly there was a reasoning behind 6v6 being the optimal team sizes.

You should give paladins a try! But that’s 5 players as well.


5v5 gets you faster queue times, but… they messed up the implementation over all. I don’t think 6v6 will come back unless numbers drop a lot / mass protest about it goes on for long enough.

Overwatch 1 had its issues and was never balanced, but it was a lot more compelling to come back to on a daily basis and a lot more rewarding. If both games were up now, I’d be in Overwatch 1, not Overwatch 2.


I’m a support, and 5v5 is the best change for me. I also enjoy solo tanking.


OW2 is way more brain dead and just a way more selfish game. Play for yourself and get the killz = win. No more out playing, coordination, or synergy.


Changing to 5v5 was outright the best decision dev team has ever made.


i liked 6v6 but for a different reason… CROWD CONTROL abilities. kept some heroes in check but if you remove most of them then you can have some heroes run amok

i also think they didnt have to RE-INVENT the wheel but just improve on 6v6. i mean they didnt do updates for like a whole year before finally in overwatch 2 or we had trickle updates

but i also think the move to role queue was a mistake so basically they had to make a 2nd mistake with 5v5 lol


You said what I wanted to say in far fewer words.

If I wanted to play a pure aim battle braindead FPS type of game, I’d play CSGO/Valorant/R6/COD…

OW1 was different, it was all about playing as a team. It was unique, there was nothing else like it… a gradual teamfight until resources slowly burn out and you find an opening to make a play, but you always play your role in the team and fight as a team.

Now in OW2 you can play fat dps, dps, and dps with healing. First player to get the pick wins. That’s it. Selfish is absolutely the right word…


I wish they would’ve just stopped at 5v5 even though that’s a major part of why the game is so boring to play. The game overall is just a massive downgrade to OW1 in every aspect of the game besides the scoreboard and removing 2CP


you forgot the “sarcasm” at the end.


Im waiting for a DPS main to reply to this comment that CC is “no skill” and “brain dead”.


OW1 was about tanks engaging eachother and trying to work past eachother like a sumo match. The teams pushed against eachother and the better team won

OW2 fighting the other tank is a worthless fight that goes no where. Best to just go past them onto the squishy and get picks on them.

Its so dumb and counter intuitive. The tanks that are supposed to be space makers, dont care about space and just walk past eachother onto squishys.


This is such a nonsence fallacy and straw man argument you 6v6 fanboys keep telling. OW is absolutely NOTHING like any of those games you listed. But you guys keep telling that as if you are making some kind of point.

Everything you said is wrong, but keep believing that and you’ll be silver forever.

You know you can synergize with other members of your team as well?


5v5 made the game even more stompy.


It’s not sarcasm. Who knew people can actually like a game??!?!?


How can you even ejoy playing supports in their current state.

They’re a cannon fodder for fragging dps…


And Staggery. You can stagger a team really badly and all they do is stream in 1 by 1 and dont group up for at least 2 to 3 fights before they actually all sync up again.

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The thing that annoys me, is that the problem wasn’t the fact that there were 2 tanks. It was because there could be 2 shield tanks.

Yet they didn’t do anything about the shield part. They didn’t even have to nerf them. They could have just reworked certain DPS/Support characters to make them into “shield disablers”. Maybe make it that certain abilities can destroy shields significantly faster, or disable them entirely. They could have given this rework to heroes like Sym/Junkrat/Mei/Bastion, y’know the few heroes that have been trash for years. This can also potentially improve their viability, fixing two issues at once.

But, they decided to be lazy and just remove 1 tank entirely. Rather than trying to find an actual solution, they just went the easy route and deleted one tank for no good reason. Now those who want to duo-tank with their friends are just thrown into the trash.


It will never be the same as tank duo synergy. If you’re not a tank player from OW1, I don’t expect you to understand.

Rein/Zarya, Winston/D.Va, just to name a couple. Pushing into an enemy team with your tank buddy with great coordination to make space is a fantastic feeling and why I played the role even when it wasn’t played much.


Seems way better to me

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