Yo for those struggling with non-binary venture hate

So I’m confused as to why I should apologize.

You obviously have nothing of value to say. Enjoy your time on the naughty step, you grown toddler.


I already said I didn’t say you should. Take it up with the original poster.

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It’s the Doofenshmirtz meme with two nickels. :slight_smile:

Whole context?

Again, whole context?

Like link to those posts?

No, because you keep taking a single phrase out of context…


Ill give you the first one but the context of the second one makes it pretty clear they’re talking about balance.

It doesn’t actually matter. It literally makes no difference.

Based on the comment they were replying to, “they” is referring to diverse characters in general. This is actually a prime example of how context can help inform the meaning of certain words.

Though for the record, again it doesn’t make a difference to the point they’re trying to communicate.

First is from discussion about character diversity in games…

It’s not hard to understand that they is about “all hypothetical characters that represent minorities and are diverse”…


First Xanikk said:

then, Valkyr responded with:

and then there was response you quoted!

Second is also plural, but it speaks about Venture’s abilities…

It’s clear from the context of the discussion.

Context do matter…

Because if I say to you “Her backpack is red” is utterly ridiculous sentence (even tho grammatically correct). If you take one sentece out of context like that it’s no wonder you are confused!

Of course context matters, never said it doesn’t, in fact, I said this confusion happens without sufficient context.

In the very example you gave “Someone left a jacket in my apartment last night after party. I hope _____ aren’t cold right now” it is clear that the sentence is referring to one person, but if I said “It’s chilly outside, I hope they aren’t cold.” you would have no way of knowing without having to ask who they are talking about.

IF in the post about appearance and diversity they were talking about say Hanzo, I would know that “they” refers to all characters, but when you add Venture who is a single person and also uses “they” in a topic that specifically talks about Venture it obviously becomes confusing unless you are being fastidious about it.

Maybe you can fault me for not reading through 600 replies, but you cannot fault me for assuming a different context because I could not find sufficient information in the sentence, after all, no harm is done anyways.

But that’s the thing… No one sane would say that two sentences together, because you don’t know who it is about. The same way no one sane would say “It’s chilly outside, I hope she isn’t cold.”

That sentence doesn’t work not because of they/them is singular or plural dilemma. It doesn’t work because there is no proper context to invoke pronouns instead of actual names in the first place!

You are looking for a problem where there isn’t one!

I always check past replies that the post is made to if I am not aware of context or something is confusing…

So yeah, I 100% can fault you for not doing the homework and then being confused why you failed.

This is really becoming petty tbh

Such a great rebuttal…

I think you convinced everyone :clown_face:


Because I feel like a broken record, you’re being obtuse, not my problem

Because there is no problem…

You creating a fake one just for the sake of it.

There’s no point going in circles forever, I guess we agree to disagree

(I still believe I’m in the right)

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That people will unironically say “it’s cold outside. I hope she isn’t cold”?

No, you are not!

You know what I mean, don’t act dumb.

I’d reply again but it’s going to be 14th rewording of the stuff I said earlier.

Actually I don’t…

I really would like to know it you really think that anyone would say something like that…

here’s my reply:
(insert 15th rewording of the post I said 1 hour ago)

I’m too lazy to retype that shi again