So ventures dmg numbers are completely broken

The damage isn’t even that absurd though

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Its 90 dmg lol. That is absurd for how easy it is to land

Double primary + drill dash shouldnt be 250 dmg

Edit: BROOOOOO i just realised burrow can be held to do more damage and bigger aoe. It scales from 55 to 110 dmg

Nahhh this hero is so overstatted its stupid

110 dmg burrow into primary + dash = 280 dmg

That’s stupid dmg for how easy and low risk it is


Another ult hard countered by lifeweaver. Who else SMILED

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I’d only nerf the melee damage. They don’t need to do that much on a melee lol.

The rest is on a fairly long cooldown so it’s not happening that often. I’m okay with it. If it did less damage, I wouldn’t imagine it would be beneficial for them using Drill Dash when you could just use their primary fire.


There is no world where burrow + dash + primary should be insta killing someone lol

Burrow and dash should be 50 dmg MAX, primary is fine at 80 in fact i would be happy to buff the range a bit if they nerfed the rest of her kit, melee should be 60 dmg

Ult should not be doing 130 dmg + knockup, that is a guaranteed kill because if you are hit you cant move to avoid the 2nd wave due to being knocked up in the air and unable to control your hero still

They have just completely overbuffed her numbers just to force her to be playable


The Devs will change them as needed.

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Are we just ignoring the fact, that if somebody would do this ‘combo’ they would be completely without any escape tool?
And burrow can be charged to deal damage… yes… while being stationary


Venture’s primary fire has such a short range that these damage numbers mean nothing.


Shame that any ezmode hitscan can just delete them before they’re able to pull off that combo

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Echo, Widow, Pharah all hard counter Venture, lol.

I think we need to play a few games with her before proclaiming she’s broken

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It’s also a trial weekend for the same reason, to get a numbers idea and tune them before the hero comes out in 2 weeks. Yes it’s going to be busted probably.

It’s 3 days at the end of the day. That’s not even enough time to get to learn them properly and plataeu on the learning curve. Initial impressions is one thing, but this weekend’s kind of like to see reception and fix glaring issues.

Number tuning can be done from the data.

Im not saying they will be broken. Just that they have broken numbers for how little skill they require to play

Everything does too much free no skill dmg

Their skill floor is super low because it doesnt take absurd skill to land their abilities.

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Do they sort of remind anybody else of DPS Doomfist quite a bit? :sweat_smile:

I’ve played a few games so far and they don’t really seem outright busted…might need some tweaking though. But it’s early…let’s just wait and see. It’s good that they’re doing this weekend so hopefully they can do some more balancing before release.

Although it has only been a few games…and it is QP so :joy:

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Pure facts right here

omg she does 70 melee, the sky is falling

Imagine if you stay like 20 metres away, and just delete them with ezmode hitscan heroes

Venture uses they/them pronouns btw

Yup seems like worse doom from ow1 cuz of no 3rd ability escape lul

Most of the player base sucks at the game and need to feel impactful, that’ why you get Moira and Venture.