As a dps the game feels more like an fps and I’m able to play better with heroes that are more difficult in 2-2-2.
I thought tank would be horrible but I actually really like it. Jeff mentioned some of dev team liked the extra pressure solo tanking had and I kinda feel it too. This isn’t like solo tanking in pre-RQ because now I know exactly what to expect when I queue up. The changes to some of the tanks are really great too. Rein’s extra damage is feels nice but it’s a huge rush when you get nano with him and you become a raid boss. Zarya’s extra bubbles make her feel far more tanky. Hog’s new take-a-breather is nice too and D.Va might actually be op with a 4 second DM lol.
The worst part of 1-3-2 is being a support though. Without the presence of an off-tank, you lose a lot of protection. The extra dps slot makes you far more vulnerable to flankers. This makes playing Zen and Ana a nightmare. idk what balance changes could be made to make support more enjoyable that wouldn’t negatively impact the other roles as well. I’m not much of a support player so I can’t really offer much here.
Now I still do like 1-3-2 more and it’s possible there is some kinda honeymoon period with 1-3-2 rn. But so far it’s not the disaster I thought it would be and others claim it is.