Yes. Please force dive meta

I remember those exact words being repeated for like 6 months at the time.


Tracer’s learning curve is learn how to aim (which is the same for the vast majority of everyone in high ranks) and then get carried extremely hard by how cheesy your kit is. If S76 had her guns, he wouldn’t dominate nearly as much as she does because she has dominated at the ranks where everyone can aim purely based on having broken mid-combat mobility and recall which are two of the cheesiest, least skillful, and “free value” things in her kit.

Tracers don’t run these lobbies just because they’ve always been a tier above everyone else, cheesy abilities play a huge part in her power and people love to downplay just how much they contribute to her success. Lucio’s wall-ride shenanigans take way more skill than Tracer’s blink but you can shoot him the entire time and he isn’t instantly behind you with hitscan machine pistols.

This is way overblown. She has to track like multiple other heroes and some of which, don’t have hitscan weapons which also don’t shoot as fast. Her blinks and recall are the main things “outplaying” people because blinks are literally unpredictable and instantly give her an advantage in duels while recall gives her a safe reset.

I’d rather all 3 be balanced. Effort does not mean a character is entitled to permanently be top dog or be able to be overpowered. We don’t crown people the king of the world or let them do whatever they want just because they have a hard job, especially when it isn’t much harder than some others.

OW is not a hard game, overall.

That’s not even true though?

Mobility doesn’t auto equal dive, so there’s a bunch of heroes that aren’t dive but can escape with a simple mobility tool or have various other things to completely negate someone getting close to them.

A good example, is sleep dart on ana.


Dive would be amazing. and i hear people arguing that it would be horrible like it was in ow1, but yall dunno what your talking about. Its ow2 now, everyone has gotten better(in general), and its 5v5. I am certain that dive would not be as oppressive as the recent metas. and also it praises skill, instead of forcing you to play a no skill comp.

And Zenyatta can kill Genji with two clean M1 headshots; that doesn’t mean the matchup isn’t still heavily tilted in Genji’s favor.

Besides, if you’re burning your mobility to get away from Genji against Dive, at best you’ve been forced out of position. Most likely, you’ve now left yourself open to someone else trying to murder you. At worst, it wasn’t enough to actually get away and you die anyway.

When the Dive meta was at its peak, they added freaking Brig to put an end to it. What do you think they’ll do to put an end to the next one?

Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.

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Uh they dont have to add any solutions. Dive is the most skill based meta and its so fun to play against as hanzo back in the day. Headshotting both dive dps was so satisfying. It was a skill based time ;> Love it

THE PROBLEM is making doom viable

Defensive metas have nearly killed the game twice now. They are way too polarizing.

Also lol I’m an awful person for wanting to nerf heroes that have nearly destroyed the game twice now. Do I win an award?

In the ideal competitive game, it absolutely does. A player who is being carried by easy heroes does not deserve to be in the same rank as somebody putting in twice the effort on a much harder hero.

Just because a hero is easier to learn doesn’t mean they’re easier to master. Ashe is a lot more forgiving than Widowmaker when you’re just starting out, but if you wanna play her at a Grandmaster level, it’s gonna take a lot more than Dynamite and bodyshots.


You’re literally agreeing with me. Easier to play heroes should drop off in effectiveness the higher you go in ranked.

Ashe is still easier to master than the hero you compared her too…

And also easier to master than literally any dive hero. I get what you were saying, bad example though.

Source? Playing her at the highest skill level requires not only hitting more individual shots than Widowmaker but having to play around heals, having to learn a multitude of techs specific to her abilities, saving her abilities for just the right moment, having to play closer to the fight.

Widowmaker is pretty autopilot compared to Ashe in terms of overall gamesense at the highest skill level. Play in the back and click heads… that’s about it.

And again, both Widowmaker and Ashe don’t have the luxury of being able to pick their fights. They can’t just wall climb, double jump, swift strike, blink, and recall out of every fight they don’t wanna take.