Yes. Please force dive meta

So rather than quibling over silly criteria, can we agree that
“Hope the Sniper doesn’t suck”

And “We can’t do much of anything till everybody charges their ults”

Could be kinda unpopular?

In terms of Gameplay tempo.


And yeah, while Snipers can be used in Dive. Having the ready capability to “Dive the Sniper”, is a bit more of a dynamic gameplay experience than “Hope the Sniper doesn’t suck”.

Is a vast oversimplification and exaggeration, and again, better Widow wins metas still happen during dive too. That’s a Widow balance thing.

Is a vast oversimplification and exaggeration

Less popular than the meta where the majority has fun at the expense of people who never get to have any fun?

Yeah. But that doesn’t mean we should always cater to said oppressive meta.

So because brig was added dive shouldn’t ever be meta again? Bad take. It’s time for dive meta. God forbid we get it back for the first time in years.

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We should cater High ELO meta to whatever is the most popular at High ELO. And I think that’s Dive.

Look as long as they cycle it, I don’t mind Dive coming back.

But, the Winston changes are dumb. That doesn’t just affect other tanks, that shafts other heroes lmao.

this balancing is not good for the long term health of this game, i like poke and i love brawl, dive is so god damn annoying to play as and against in my opinion. they should all be viable, making any one of the three better than the other two overall leads to a less enjoyable game where the meta feels forced.

I think it was more meant for him to deal with brig than Orissa.

Also in ladder rein popular so it will help Winston there.
Against bastion im not sure.

Torb’s also gonna have a rough go at it. Especially with the shield dance.

Bastion, idc he can rot lmao

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Please continue.

Let’s actually make only 7 out of the 40 heroes the meta and move on from the only enjoyable heroes like orisa zarya sigma bastion torb, all that had a chance to survive Anas kit. Let’s leave it behind.

Let’s have a meta that actually makes everyone except the diehard Tracer fans leave the game.

Fixed it for you.

If someone wants Dive, they actively want the game to die.

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I normally don’t ask people about their skill tier.

But I’m curious, do you play at 3500SR or above?

Which is why tracer being meta is important not many can execute her good enough to accomplish what you say.

It will be decent match up tipped in tracer’s favour.

For majority it will be dive heroes meta and not dive meta.

Dive meta will only happen in gm.

It’s dive/brawl depending on the map. Anything else eventually makes everyone hate it and one meta meta on every map has the same effect.


And I quit during one of the Og dive metas because I was forced onto Zen because I had a slow hard drive. It was without a doubt, bar none the most miserable gaming experience I had ever had in any game ever.

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They should not blindly buff dive characters to push a dive meta because then they will create another anti-dive menace problem.

Yeah… geee…. I wonder why considering the amount of damage trying to get it to stop being so hard meta caused for the entire game for years I really wonder why that balancing nightmare cycle that lead to fundamentally changing the game, wasn’t quickly restarted from stage 1….

Except I’m saying in the 17 dps hero people only accept two dps for meta.

Tracer due to her skill expression that scales allowing diverse dps in ladder.

Now soldier cause he is not annoying.

Everyone one else has been cried about when they get top 4.

You are saying 7 I’m saying there is not even three dps people will accept.

In that case it’s better for tracer to be meta

Theyre just the loudest. People will sit here and tell you playing xyz hero isn’t fun, completely incapavbe of fathoming that there are people who enjoy other playstyles. Anything else they tell you is basically just padding for this basic fact

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Thanks. Not trying to shame or anything, just wanna be clear, since I know that different ELOs tend to have different preferences.

That said, Don’t ya think we’ve kinda bulked up on defensive capabilities since Season 3 of OW1?
Just a little bit?

I like the fast heroes because I have ADHD and I like zooming. But I also know that’s not for everyone, and certain heroes dominating simply because they take skill is, in itself, unfair.

And generally, any hero that is a must-pick is going to piss people off. Skill requirement or not, it’s not fun. It gets boring and old fast. And these changes to heavily push Dive is an example of power creep.


Apart from sombra emp change I’m not even sure if it will push dive, like ya tracer will be good but i don’t see Winston or doom being meta a gaurantee.

Also Support sustain nerfs don’t seem to be happening.

I feel like Winston ignoring armor is going to make him meta. That is a very big change. It’s going to be treated like they don’t have armor at all.

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