Yes. Please force dive meta

Because dive has at least one free kill target and it feels good getting said free kills

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Well they pick heroes, and might even report who ever might try to play something else.
Seriously, was once reported for playing rein in OW1.
Heroes used in dive need skill when you look at players that have good aim and game sense, so most people playing any fps are out.

I am not a GOATs hater. I understand just how difficult the composition is to play. I am not even trying to downplay professional Dive. It is a fan favorite and competitive staple for a reason. It’s just… Nobody is pulling it off on ladder. The “muh skill” excuse is just because they want dive heroes overtuned. Let’s not kap.


Ok genuinely. I seriously doubt it and whoever did that was high off something.

Low elo, ESPECIALLY in ow1, was locked in a rein zarya meta for like 5 years straight. People didn’t play anything else because rein zarya was simple and easy.

Oh, well if this is the point you’re getting at, then we’re in agreement.


Tbh, I think it’s probably for the best for high ELO to just permanently be Dive, with map specific poke and brawl/rush.

Since poke sniping slows the game way down.

And Rush also slows the game way down, because it often tries to mimic GOATs as much as possible.

But Dive is in that nice fast tempo, where gunplay matters, but not almost exclusively snipers.

You can doubt it, but guy playing winston was raging at me in his own language (russian) for having lower stats, when he was on gold medals for suicide jumping, and some people joined in with him there on my team in blaming. The few things they said in english was to report me for throwing.
It was one of those games i never forget, just like a game when i was trying to speak to my teammates and they told me i sound like having stroke, i got silent on open chat since that day.
Also, locked on rein zarya? In EU, there was a lot of dive during goats meta from what i saw, and i was one who wanted to play something else.

I was comparing Dive’s “skill level” compared to other metas, nothing more. Like I said, unlike most skilled metas, Dive has the added crutch that each individual hero is self-sufficient.


But is a slower game really that bad? I’ve been saying this for years, but I think this obsession with speed is what’s really hurting overwatch. A game that’s too slow is boring, sure, but a game that’s too fast is just as annoying. After all, if we REALLY want a fast paced game, we’d just keep the hitscans strong.


Practically for me from dps perspective most ranged hitscans are boring like soldier ashe soj bastion there are other games that offer a better experience of these.
Cass gets a pass for style
Widow purely for aim skill even if it’s one dimensional
Hanzo cause he is analog and organic bow feel doesn’t have equivalent in other games that surpass him

So this leaves two sets of heroes
Speedy zoomers like you say tracer genji etc

Thinking dps like junk mei sym torb etc

It’s just people don’t allow thinking heroes to ever be meta, if they are they are shut down fast, only mei has managed to be there a bit.

So hanzo widow aren’t allowed cause people cry double sniper even when they are top 4 and top 7 pick.

So you are left with basic riflers soldier bastion soj ashe it’s boring even to look at.

Speedy zoom heroes are lot more interesting and fun to play with they are not simple most of the time and also have good skill expression mainly tracer so even when she is meta she won’t be hogging all the ranks as a must pick.

Personally for me I two trick tracer hanzo mainly, hanzo promotes calm aim while tracer is about speed and getting into flow were your actions happens.


Tell that to the Zen with a DM/ Bubble shoved in his face getting gunned down by a Tracer + Other Dps and the tank

Whatever enabler support is meta in dive’s whole gameplay pattern is enable the team as much as possible before you get traded.


I’m trying to but can’t find him dude has been absent since someone broke his purple balls.

It’s not bad, necessarily, it’s just not the majority preference.

Incidentally, here’s a talk from Sid Meier, where he points out the Tempo of gameplay choices, kinda redefines what type of Game it is.

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Dude would it hurst you to talk in fps terms.

Do you have to go pick up a 4x step game of all.

Atleast use total war or age of empires dude.

Either way I do agree poke meta when it uses generic heroes is bad.

Er…not really? Dive is more ability-based than it is “gunplay-based”. In fact, that’s the entire point, since abilities are more efficient to get kills with than aim-reliance and Dive inherently makes aim even more inconsistent to rely on, with the infamous of exception of Widow during the peak of Dive.

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Still better to have 5 semi-individuals, rather than the hivemind of Rush, or the “hope our sniper player(s) don’t suck” of Poke.

Also, I’ll just put this here for, Reasons:

Because every single time they make something as a solution to a broken mechanic/character, it is ultimately just another broken/annoying ability/character.

  • tracer and flash
  • tracer and mag nade
  • genji and moira
  • tracer and brig
  • widow and sigma shield
  • DF and WB vs Sombra hack
  • Nade and suzu
  • Winston/DF and bastion

They never learn and don’t seem to be willing to.

No, it’s the community and content creator’s fault for whining to no avail, every time Tracer is not the end-all-be-all and would rather the devs keep perpetuating the balancing cycle they love to whine about instead of reworking characters like Genji and Tracer so they can actually be balanced.

Tracer is fundamentally designed to bypass people who can aim. Instant teleportation with her damage is designed to “counter” good players. That’s why she has always been so powerful at the higher tiers. You cannot make something aim-intensive with the intention of it to counter Tracer because she is fundamentally designed to both greatly reward being good yet bypass and “counter” the enemy being good at aiming.

Yet you see the amount of people even here who are just praising the idea of dive dominating again instead of advocating for Tracer reworks. We have seen what dive dominance leads to, people praising a new Dive era are basically asking for another Brigitte situation in the future.

Asking for Tracer buffs and a dive resurgence is asking for another support like launch Brigitte or ability like Cass’ nade to be introduced. The devs are ultimately at fault but you people are basically asking for them to give you another character/ability to whine about for years.


At least everyone gets to play the frigging game in rush

Better Widow wins metas have happened during dive as well


Sometimes I wonder if y’all dive stans get off while playing when its meta with how these posts read lol. It’d make sense since playing one-handed is pretty skillful ngl.

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I’m not even dive meta enthusiast( though i do think it’s the best state the game is when it happens with healthy dive heroes) I just prefer tracer to be the top 1 dps