Yes i'm a girl, now stop talking about it and PLAY

Final edit: If anyone wants to know whether or not the Overwatch community is childish enough to perpetuate the behavior I’m talking about, literally just scroll down. The lack of self-awareness here is just… staggering and impressive. To people who actually contributed, I appreciate you taking me seriously. I’m done with this, I said my part, and I’m excited for the LFG function/endorsements. Thank you! :slight_smile:

EDIT OF EDIT: ya’ll caught me… this was all just a ruse so I could start plugging my instagram. go like my selfies!!!*

*disclaimer: sarcasm. Seriously? I get called attention-seeking when trying to talk about how people continually draw attention to something I am BEGGING you guys to stop drawing attention to? My point is proving itself.

EDIT: since people are asking (yet again) yes… i am a girl.

It’s what it says in the title. I use voicechat VERY sparingly (calling out flankers, ults, et cetera as well as responding “yes!” to the usual “can everyone hear me?” at the start of matches.)

Sometimes, sometimes I am allowed to play without anyone asking “are you a girl?”. When I am asked that, it’s still fine. It’s an innocuous question. “Yep” I say back, because no harm done in asking. The game proceeds as usual because we’re all just people playing a game. Good fun.

However, one thing that also sometimes happens (frequently enough that I’m making a forum post after playing this game since beta) is a tirade of “are you a girl? do you have a boyfriend? are you really a girl? are you A GIRL?? WOAHWOAHWOAHISTHATTAGIRL” and many times it’s one annoying dude with his peanut gallery of friends who just seriously cannot shut up. They continue to talk to me for the rest of the match, and it hinders the communication between me and the rest of my teammates who are trying to focus. The game is going nowhere, we can’t communicate, we’re losing, so yeah, I just leave the game and don’t play competitive for the rest of the season. I’m sorry, I don’t have friends to play with. My friends don’t play Overwatch so I’m stuck solo or duo-queuing.

Can we just work together to have this stop? I just want to play the game. But this match I was just in… they would not stop talking! They even refused to pick support characters. Har har, good joke. I’m willing to take one for the team and play Mercy anyway, even though I can DPS and tank as well.

I don’t know what would even be done about this but maybe one of you guys that does this will think twice before literally sabotaging a competitive game’s communication just because you’re SHOCKED that you’re playing with a girl. It’s just so childish. I feel like I can’t participate in the community without being targetted (not maliciously, just targetted with attention that ISN’T focused on the match).


Are you actually a girl?


Hi, are you a girl?..

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Thankfully, I haven’t encountered this issue in the last few months while playing in games that have female teammates present. That said, if you encounter in your games, I’d recommend muting the distractions.


Ugh, Sorry you’re having to deal with the troglodites.

I play with a couple of Women I know IRL and it’s cringey AF when it happens.


I definitely agree muting is the best option. The unfortunate thing is when it’s 4-5 people in a group and it’s like okay… I’m going to leave this chat entirely.

And like I said it’s definitely not every match or even every other match. But it’s still enough to see a pattern developing. A very annoying pattern.


A real life girl in my game? Oh boy!


I’m willing to forgive them since it’s clearly their first time encountering a “rare” creature such as myself but in return, they have to focus on the game.


BEst thing you can do is mute and report. When people starting asking you " do you have a BF" thats a form of in game harassment. To be honest asking any personal questions period is harassment IMO.


It helps to blend in with one other girl it confuses them lololol. I play with my wife and I can attest to the OP. She usually stays on mute though since. She is shy enough to begin with.

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This is against code of conduct but mods will keep it up. If it were a dude. BOOM deleted and probably ban

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Start telling people you’re a little boy. :joy:

I tried that!! I said “No it’s ok my **** just haven’t dropped yet :joy:” and they didn’t even laugh! :disappointed_relieved:


Wasn’t talking to you, OP. Replying on the forum is buggy. I was replying to the guy above my comment.

Mute em

That reaction is extreme considering you’re dealing with a bunch of idiots in voice. It seems as if you’re overreacting.

Nobody is obliged to pick what you or someone else wants.

Why put that effort forward to change the minds of literally thousands or more of people when you can use a button?
Not everyone you’re going to meet is going to treat you the way you want them to. So keep those people out of mind with a button, and enjoy the rest.

Are you sure?

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if it makes you feel any better, when I go into craft stores to pick up some paints, some women give me dirty looks, and some just gasp in shock and horror, true story. some smile politely :slight_smile:


See one of my first replies.

Who said this was the only reason I wouldn’t play competitive? There’s several other reasons that aren’t worth making a forum post about because they’re personal. It’s Overwatch forums, not my diary.

Yes, but when it’s paired with “you’re the girl so you have to heal” followed by cacophonous laughter, it’s hard to picture it as an unbiased situation that just so happened to not be in my favor. Don’t worry, I can spot the difference, and not just scream “sexism!!!” at everything I don’t like. It’s kind of funny because they saw ME as the one who was obliged to pick what THEY wanted me to play. So I agree with your logic completely. It’s totally unfair. :grinning:

You already mentioned the mute button, and so did I. Thank you!

Very funny! Anyway, I would appreciate if you read my previous post and responses so we can have a good discussion. :sweat_smile:


In my year and a half of playing I’ve never seen anything like this happen. Every game that there’s a girl, either nobody brings it up or someone talks about it real quick as a joke. Either you are overreacting a bit or I am just too unlucky.

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I mentioned that it’s not every game, or even every other game. Simply enough to establish a pattern. I entirely believe that people could’ve gone their entire Overwatch careers not dealing with this. But even the top female Overwatch players have discussed this issue. If it just comes down to you not believing me, then there’s no real discussion that we can have.

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No of course I do believe you, but there’s no reason to report this on the forums. Blizzard can’t ban people for sexism (no matter how much they obviously want to) or trying to be funny.

I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this, but we can’t help you, other than hoping you have better games :slight_smile: