This is another minor issue in the game. There really isn’t a great solution, but when 2 of my friends (who are girls) started to have this issue pop up fairly often (3/10 matches) I would offer to duo with them and try to keep the team focused and get them to stop being annoying (worked 80% of the time), but if that isn’t an option I’d say muting is the way to go. You won’t have to hear the annoyance and can still make call outs. Good luck, hope it gets better for you!
I’ve played with plenty of girls randomly and have maybe seen 1 or 2 people freak out about it ever. I think you just want attention lol
Abusive chat. Or spam. It won’t earn them a ban, because they might not do it alot. But if it’s a 3-4 minute annoyance than it is reportable
It could be worse depending on your hero hours. Like they could say you’re a boosted mercy main if you had a lot of hours on… oh nvm I’ll just leave.
Honestly I was about to not post this until I stumbled across several very, VERY heated “this is why i quit overwatch forever” and “genji mains are being religiously persecuted by jeff kaplan” threads and thought “you know what? whats the worst thing that can happen.”
Also, it is against the code of conduct to have any sort of discriminatory harassment, language, etc. I’m very proud of Blizzard for standing by this, especially considering what Overwatch stands for. It’s a good stance to take in the gaming community, just not a popular one, it seems.
I came here fully expecting trolls/downvotes into oblivion. I’m actually very happy to see people who are happy to discuss this openly without pre-judgement from one side or another. I admire the Overwatch community and its diversity.
I have a feeling that endorsements and LFG will greatly help a lot of the problems you are encountering. The endorsement limits that you can set on LFG will allow you to have a better chance of finding people that aren’t scumbags. The best part is that you can enforce roles.
I only just recently found out about this (after making my post and doing some research) and I’m really looking forward to the LFG function. I think it will solve a lot of much bigger problems than harassment that only happens sometimes. Almost every day I want to take a game seriously and try, but in quickplay you’re a “tryhard” and in competitive… well… that’s a very multifaceted issue but not every competitive match I soloqueue into has five people trying their best to work together. And that’s something everyone deals with, every day! So finding an organized group is a great step.
nobody actually cares and anybody who gives you the impression are degenerate shAAAs and you should stop entertaining their sexism… they love this stuff. you dont need to give out a public service announcment for reals>…<
basically ITT: aRe yOu An AcTuAl GirL
Sure it’s annoying. This pattern has been around forever, and as I stated it’s best to ignore these people. You can’t change everyone, and nor should you try.
People can and will use any sort of trait that you have in an attempt to piss you off or to make fun of you. It’s trolling, and it’s inherent on the internet.
Are you sure though?
“It’s always been this way, so you can’t ask us to change” oh man, there are a lot of arguments throughout this ‘forever’ you’re talking about that this logic has been on the losing side of. I’m not going to touch this one with a ten foot pole so you can go ahead and win this argument. I’ve made my post, gotten my replies, and I’m looking forward to what Blizzard is doing to combat toxicity in their player base. I see where you are coming from though, since you’re coming from the same community that perpetuates the behavior I discussed in my original post. I’m not accusing you of harassment, but only of taking a stance that counters mine. It’s a good thing. If what I was talking about wasn’t happening, there would be unanimous opinions about this behavior being wrong. But that’s not how it is, and that’s not what would be fair to expect of the community. There are people who perpetuate behavior, and there are people who defend those people, and then there’s people who just pay no attention at all, because you don’t have to care. No one has to care. I’m not asking you to get Susan B. Anthony tattooed on your forehead, I’m just questioning the phenomenon that several people in this thread (aside from myself) have admitted to experiencing. It’s something that, like I said before, the top female Overwatch players have discussed. It’s something that girls who play other video games have discussed, and it’s behavior that Blizzard itself has condemned.
Ohhhh!!! i get it!
You’re one of these “trolls”. Got it. Ignore my previous response then. I thought we were taking this seriously. Have a good day, troll-man.
Yeah my god, replying on a phone is horrible now.
I’d say it’s not common for somebody to make continual references to a girls gender, but it does happen from time to time. (Also I’ve seen girls with very feminine voices get a lot more weird attention). Most people just make a quick joke at the start and are done with it, but this thread is more about the rarer people who do continue it for the whole match.
Very lame SJW baiting thread. Someone is short of attention IRL - or at least thinks deserves more, oh entitlement is soo trendy.
This might just be in low rank, but I rarely see girls get crap for being who they are. Not to be dismissive of course as I’d imagine it’s a different experience when you’re the one it happens to.
No way this is a real girl. Dva playtime is far too low compared to other heroes.
I am taking this seriously. But you took a dumb joke I made as an indicator of me trolling. This goes back to me originally saying you’re overreacting.
I will be also very interested to see how Blizzard tackles the immense problem of regulating the interactions between players in their playerbase.
I actually report players under abusive chat if they continue to the extent which I am allowed to report for. Most of these players are the ones I’ve outlined in my previous post. I do receive confirmation that action has been taken place for my reports. So I am actually partially responsible for actioning some these players. I do not perpetuate such a community.
If you are willing to discuss, ask before assuming. Because you may just be wrong.
I don’t doubt this. However, this doesn’t make this a real problem. The people doing this will conduct themselves in the same matter to other people, not specifically females. As I stated, these players take any trait and run with it. This goes back to what I stated way back before, the mute button is good enough. Mute and move on.
If even that’s not good enough, LFG seems like something you’d enjoy. Or, find people you enjoy to play with in game and form something there. You can solve this problem by yourself.
Before someone ask, i’m 30, from Canada, single and not looking for love. Unless you can hack my heart but that’s something even Sombra can’t EMP.
This is precisely it. It’s not a big deal, it shouldn’t be, and if I could go the rest of my Overwatch career never having to tell ANYONE that I’m a girl, then I would happily do so! And I only tell people I’m a girl when they ask. (this is why I’m not responding to any of those ‘you want attention’ replies. because no, I clearly don’t, and people say that about every girl they don’t agree with/don’t like. I wrote this post literally anticipating that type of response, tried my best to avoid it, and still got it. It’s impressive, honestly.)
Good, because it’s not worth it.