Yeah, no - Nerf Rein

I love Rein players tbh

I love being Rein with a team that can support him, had a great new junk city match this morning, amazing support that turned me into a raid boss, 3 times i got to walk through their team like they were not even there watching the kills roll off.

Don’t Blame Rein… Blame his team for enabling him.

Or like… Literally standing anywhere on the map that isn’t in front of him? Like I get it some maps that’s hard but also like I don’t get it. Maps are pretty big in general so…

I still can’t believe I saw this earlier. Asking for Rein to be nerfed BEFORE Orisa. Just…I have no words lmao :rofl:

I’ve played Rein since OW1 and his state in OW2 has never gone above OK. He’s NEVER been OP, NEVER been broken yet the devs still insist on giving him pointless changes that have made him worse at times, and he’s crying out for a rework. YET-they ignore Orisa and the fact she’s too strong.

And you say Rein needs nerfs. Bruh, April 1st has been and gone, your post is late


:joy: Rein is the most op hero in the game. Beware!

Oddly enough, this thread’s level of “you can’t be serious” has matched season 10 games perfectly. i’ve seen some of the worst players out of all seasons of overwatch so far this week.

Yup Rein Op Watch him in all his Bronzie Glory! 6S60TB

Whole hog is the funnest way to counter it.

You monster

funny story i was playing lijiang garden yesterday and 1st fight we pushed up to their bridge, 4 people were shooting their tank a metre away from the wall and their zen walks in front of the wall with noone shooting at him.

Well that dude is a wizard of course.