Yeah, no - Nerf Rein

Played for an hour, and he’s literally been in every game. There’s a reason you nerfed Earthshatter how many odd years ago it was, and even when it was nerfed, it was still one of the best tank ults in the game.

Like, christ, I’m already sick of Rein/Ana everywhere. And it’s been an hour. These changes better not stay :skull:


Rein will slip back into obscurity


Literally huh. No Rein yet here. :person_shrugging: Also, I’m all for Rein being meta if that ends up being the case.

So shhh.


No way someone is asking for rein nerfs


Insane isn’t it? Probably played frontline zen.


I did and it is fun
But you don’t heal anybody so

As long as you boomboom faster than they can boomboom you, you win!

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They buffed his ult. That’s it.
He is still just as vulnerable as he was last patch.

Sounds like you’re just getting outplayed.


No shade but i was mind boggled when they said they were buffing the range on shatter lol

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Lets buff the one ult that has no counterplay and is pretty much guaranteed kill.


? The ult you can block with shield? Or trance. Or beat. Or interrup twith stun? Or… you know what, I cant… :laughing:


Ok Ill bite… Why does Rein supposedly need a nerf?


Another shield.

I enjoy denying ults as tiny Brig.
Real tanks have better shields.


lmfao, his buff was an extra 5m of range and .25 second stun increase on his ult… that was it

I played rein as my main tank last season, and you know as long as the support was not Dps only it was great, have not felt like a raid boss in a while until the end of S9 with some amazing games walking through teams that did not know how to cope with a rein

I feel Reinhardt ultimate has a lot of counter play.

If you have high ground Reinhardt has no chance to use because he has no vertical mobility. He can’t fly up like sigma to use it.

It gets blocked by shield, terrain and any other objects like Mei Icewall or even cases where it get blocked by Junkrat Trap.

The CC can be removed from Kiriko Suzu or Zarya Barrier.

You have activation time before the ultimate works. It is very similar to Lucio ultimate where you need to hit the ground but you can be knocked or cc before.

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While I bet he will still be bad, 25m shatter seems silly. Even at 20m there are times where it’s like, how did that even hit me.

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What I mean is when he presses that button, you are pretty much done for.
It gives no time to do anything like most other ults.

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You can hold shield as soon as you hear enemy Rein start his voiceline for the ult and block it. Same with Sig.


You are not in control of what your tank decides to play.
Not to mention requiring rein to counter another rein isn’t really countering.

Oh so you’re upset your tank is bad at tanking. Well good luck with that. If only you could also play Sombra and hack rein… Or Ana and sleep him. Or any of the other many ways Rein can get robbed. :laughing: