Yeah, no - Nerf Rein

There, fixed it for you

Some people don’t know what they’re talking about. Hence the thread title lol

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Can I have your matches? All I got was Balls and the occasional feeding Doomfist that thinks they’re a tank

This has got to be bait right?

There’s like, 7 characters in the game who DON’T have counter play to shatter. 5 of those 7 characters, arguably have favorable (slight or hard counter) matchups to rein as a whole. The vast majority of characters have MULTIPLE ways of dealing with shatter before even factoring ultimate. It is quite literally easier to name characters that don’t have counterplay than to name the ones that do. I also had to stretch it to find 7. I’m assuming that solider 76 won’t play off angles or use high ground vs a brawl comp. So the number of characters without counterplay to shatter is even lower when you factor in that people have brains.

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You know you can literally learn how to ult track and be ready for it so you can dodge the ult right? I main him and I literally tell my team every time when the other Rein has ult. I hardly ever get shattered anymore because I know when a Rein has it and just avoid it. It’s not hard most if not all heroes out manouver him. Heck as Sombra just tp up into the air he will miss you then hack him as you fall. It’s not hard. I think you are just salty from being outplayed and out smarted.

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This used to exist as a bug in ow1 at one point. So i’m sure it could be implemented if they wanted to.

Not a good argument if it is required for him more than for anyone else.

Before season nine, Rein was doing very well for himself from diamond down - otherwise known as “the vast majority of the playerbase”. We don’t even need to settle for Overbuff to tell us this, we got it straight from the source:

Season nine has changed things, but until then, there’s been a lot of gaslighting about how Rein is this awful, unplayable tank.

Suzu: Am I a joke to you?

Are we forgetting that Orisa and Mauga exist?

Just go Orisa or Mauga/Kiri.

It’s not hard.

Just right now with all the Venture swarms Reins are running away with full shields, because Venture is horrible at frontlining.

Not sure, when Lhcloudy stops playing rein it’s not because he’s gaslighting people into believing Rein is trash when he’s strong. And he only did that in S9.
Also why are people mad about Rein buffs when we’ve been seeing the horse getting buff after buff every season

I’m only talking diamond and down, not T500. I also said that I was talking about pre-S9.

Reinhardt is playable until the enemy team decides to go Orisa or Mauga.
Then you literally can’t play the game.
You have to outplay the Orisa player by a large margin to be able to get the same amount of value. It’s ridiculous.

Add on top of that Zen, Ana, Bastion, Mei, Sombra, Snipers or any sort of heavy pressure or mobility heroes and he just folds down or runs around like a headless chicken.


Rein is maybe the least frustrating tank to play against.

I think orisa and mauga are worse.

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The Shatter range increase is ok, though they could dial it back some from 25m to 22m. However, increasing Shatter’s stun duration is the wrong route to go with it; they should be buffing the damage of Shatter, and actually nerfing the duration (possibly as low as 2.25 sec duration I’d say).

The issue with putting too much of Shatter’s strength into the knockdown duration is that Kiriko Suzu hard counters it, and long CC duration is more frustrating to play against.

Change Rein not nerf him, His Ult is the only good part of his kit, the primary sucks, firestrike isnt good since u cant 2 shot people anymore, he cant provide cover with his shield and do dmg. His Earthshatter was never the problem, his non existend ability to provide Cover while actually doing something is the problem…

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The only reason they increased the Shatter range is because Venture’s ultimate which is a form of shatter is 25m.

The 0.25sec shatter duration buff is a joke and an insult to all Reinhardt players.
It does absolutely nothing to actually help Rein’s problems, especially with how easy it is to just avoid, interrupt, dodge or cleanse the Earthshatter.

But if we are dead on focusing on earthshatter, I agree with you, they should had instead increased the damage by 25-50 damage.
At least then even if gets cleansed it did do some significant damage.

is bro really crying because rein got a little buff
Earthshatter is literally the only good thing about rein
what does rein do the time he dosent have shatter? nothing

They need to also remove the extra burst heal that Suzu does when it cleanses a negative effect. Cleansing a negative effect is really strong, why did they make it heal more than normal when you do so? lol

it’s not needed more for him than anyone else but 1) you should be learning to ult track period for everyone and 2) you still haven’t learned the lesson of what I said. I used Sombra because she’s your pfp but there are inumerable ways to counter/dodge Rein and his ult. If you can’t get better after everyone telling you how then it’s a you problem not a Rein problem. Maybe step back and take a break from the game. There’s no shame in that I’ve taken breaks upwards of 6 months. Just seems you need to chill out because even with this buff to him he’s still the worst tank.