Yeah, no - Nerf Rein

or just play Orisa, lol.

Only because Venture is being played. Just wait until the novelty wears off when they figure out they suck with her.

I don’t even play Rein, but Shatter should climb walls. Probably not that easy to implement though.

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If orisa’s Ult can hit through walls and 10m straight up i feel this rein buff was just a tickle.


This is new. We need more rants like this. Feel fresh.

Nerf the worst tank in the game, great idea. Surprised blizz hasnt hired you for the balance team yet.


Suzu. Don’t even need to react and use it before shatter lands.
Immortality field also works just fine.
Or counter ult with transcendence or sound barrier

Rein is played a lot because he is simple to grasp, not because he is overpowered.


Everyone else is sick of Orisa in every game since S1. So stop complaining if Rein is being played 10% as much as the boring horse


Barrier, Lamp, suzu, Mei wall, sleep, Javelin, Hook, Bubble, Boop. General Mobility. These are just abilities.

Beat, Transcendence, Whole Hog, DVA bomb, High Noon, Dragon, and basically any ult that forces people to move back to cover…

Rein’s ult is one of the hardest to get value out of with mobility creep, CC creep, and get-out-of-jail ability creep in this game.

Unless you’re Bronze or Silver. Where people mindlessly walk into your hammer. That doesn’t make Rein ult OP, that makes the awareness of the players UP.


Rein isn’t going to become overpowered overnight because he got an extra .5 seconds to his earth shatter…

I’m sorry but this is an actual skill issue. Rein still completely sucks.


That’s a name I haven’t heard in years.

Then play tank. We could certainly use more meat for the grinder over in tank land!

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Funny to say this when im 99.9% sure rein has been picked more overall than orisa since overwatch 2 came out. And, you know what, since Orisa as a hero came out.

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You know, the shatter won’t build itself if your Ana is perma-dead in the backline from coordinated dives, and you have nothing to do about it.

I have mostly been playing Clash and almost nobody is playing Reinhardt in that mode. I can see why. He S U C K S.

his ult being buffed doesn’t suddenly make him god tier
he still suffers from the same old problems lmao

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Any other shield, or a single suzu…

Okay, sure Chief.

If we’re not going to count personal movement abilities to use once you’re back up (Dash, Blink, GA) there is:

Orisa Fortify
Reinhardt Shield
Rammatra Shield
Sigma Shield
Technically, Winston & Mauga’s Shields
Zarya’s Bubbles
Lucio Beat
Zen Trans
Ana Nano for most vulnerable teammate
Lifeweaver Tree
Brig Shield
Kiri Suzu
Partially, Bap Immo
Mei Wall
Symm Shield
Reaper Wraith
Tracer Recall
…Do I need to list more?

No counter play ?

Damn players must be gods for blocking it with shields or using suzu to cancel it…or any other ability at this point

Technically there’s no counter play in bronze because no one tracks ult and spams cooldowns