Yay. The Mercy changes are still garbage

After it was stated in the dev update that Mercy was noted by Blizzard as one of the most frequently discussed heroes, I thought for sure they’d tweak the functionality of Valk. Countless threads flooding the forums stating the widely shared opinion on how incredibly unfun and unimpactful Valkyrie is as an ultimate, and how rez does not work effectively as an E ability.

But no. Let’s just reduce the charge rate of this useless ult and make it heal a little more. Not even a lot more, just what Mercy’s base healing was prior to the ridiculous healing beam nerf.

It’s beyond clear that the devs revere Valkyrie as an incredibly useless ult and never wants it to leave. Because flying/chain beams are the only solution. Ridiculous. They’ve already shown us that they ignore our feedback with Mercy, but now this basically demonstrates that they are reading and straight-up ignoring feedback. They don’t care about us having fun guys, they just love their precious OWL and don’t want to compromise. :slight_smile:


I can’t wait till this is taken down.


I like this buff, you got to admit it’s better than another nerf. Her ult atm feels like low budget Moira healing but now it might actually make the ult better.


valkyrie was a fine ultimate before the hps nerf

Would you prefer another nerf?


Another incredibly unproductive Mercy-hating poster. Surprised its already past noon and this is the first I’ve seen today. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now I’ll have more time to go through my bills without worry :smiley: :+1:

maybe even be able to make a cheeky cup of tea too while I ult

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It doesn’t make sense. If her ult is not charging fast enough after a heals nerf, use some common sense and buff her heals. Don’t just freaking buff it for her ultimate.


The problem with Valkeryie has been that its a boring ultimate, that’s always been the problem. If you ignore fun in a game its no longer enjoyable so its no longer played, revenue goes down. They should listen to the complaints.


Nah, valkyrie feels unimpactful for an ult.

But I’ll take this over no buffs!

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I mean as a Mercy Main, I prefer this over another nerf. I’d rather get this than another nerf.


feeling impactful and being impactful are two different things

Ideally the lower charge rate on her ult should encourage Mercy players to actually use Valkyrie more often, and that might help them discover its better, actual uses. Waaaay too many Mercys hold onto Valkyrie until the middle of a team fight, only to find that it doesn’t work in that situation. By having it more, that should be an incentive for Mercy to use it more actively into more situations, which is what the ultimate was designed for – quickly adapting to situations with a Swiss knife ultimate.

I don’t think this will pop her on up to S-tier levels of usefulness, of course. The meta will still favor Ana quite a bit, unless the other changes are so useful in their indirect way that Ana becomes weaker, somehow. Regardless, Mercy will probably still see about the same use as she does now, but at least her tool kit will be stronger and guarantee more value.

I just think we’re one step closer in the right direction and we should appreciate what we got cause it could’ve been worse. (Not saying it should’ve never gotten to this point)


Mercy is still one of the most played heroes in the game so there is no issue with revenue there.

The buff is a good thing in retrospect. I don’t have an issue with Mercy being more viable, I have an issue with the dev balance team continuing to disrespectfully ignore that a revert/rework is in order.


She’s always been one of the most played heroes in the game- just like Reinhardt.


Demanding that your opinion is implemented regardless of what they think is childish. Just because they don’t agree with you doesn’t mean they are incurring in any disrespect, it’s just a losing battle trying to explain that a revert is not the way to go because people will just get further offended as usual.


It’s pretty upsetting to see Mercy players say ‘I prefer this over another nerf’ Just shows how much this hero has,been gutted against our own wishes.


And as long as that remains the case, players are sending a clear message to Blizzard.