Xim users be aware


If they are really doing this Ow on console will completely die.
Even on diamond and above most players on console use MKb even some mercy mains using it. Its not only hitscan players.
They will aspecially lose their community from saudi arabia since most of them use Mkb.
Best dps on console after mkb ban will be Moira and Junkrat. It will be a complete clownfiesta :joy:
I guess most people will just quit and play another game.


Nah. Very untrue.
What will happen is the people who don’t cheat might have a better chance at climbing a little and the xim users will have to get good at controller.


The xim users will 100% quit like they did on rainbow six. And the bad players wont climb any higher since Xim players doesnt affect them.
Mkb users frequently start in higher diamond lobbies and even there its not that much.
Blizzard bans for 0.1% playerbase that are actually affected by the mkb players.
But players will always find excuses why they cant climb. I already heard silver and gold players complain that they cant climb because of mkb widows.

Sure. :joy:

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Won’t anyone think about the cheaters?



Its not only „cheaters“. Like I said even mercy mains use it. Its not just the „MKB WIDOW“.
A friend of mine using Xim in Warzone since he has serious health issues with his hands. He simply cant use a controller to play.

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And Blizz clearly stated they are making allowances for those people so your paper thin concern for them is unnecessary.


Okay and how exactly are they doing this?

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Say you lose 20% of all console players cheating with these devices.(I doubt it’s anywhere near that high but I’ll go extreme)

Console counts for 45% of all players. So losing the ximmers would mean 9% of the overall player base leave.

I’m not sure they’ll bat and eyelid at that. Because many people will return to console if they know it’s fair (or at least fairer)


Thats probably not true. Rainow six on console lost lot of players after the ban. And new players didnt come.
Queue times got way higher.

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It’s in the post linked at the top of this very thread…

That may also be a possible out lcome.

Even if they lost half the console base, I don’t think they’d be that bothered.

Ultimately. Xim devices are 3rd party cheating tools designed to give people an unfair advantage.


Same for me…

Hopefully they do add native MKB support soon!

And how are they going to do this and enforce this - How can they possibly tell the difference between someone using a converter device for accessibility and someone using it to gain an advantage?


Native mkb support will be terrible. The turn speed of the game has to be much higher for this. And if they put native console mkb players into PC lobbies its even worse.

What most people dont know:
Crossplay alone is UNFAIR.
Fps games are much better to play on Xbox series since their controllers have a much higher stick resolution:
So Xbox controller has a clear advantage over the Ps5 controller.

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A console, with m&kb as it’s input method behaves the same as a pc. Turn too slow? Up the sensitivity, or the mouse dpi.

Matching based on input is the right way to go.

The only downside is the controller player pool will shrink.

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Good riddance Xim users, now console players may finally be able to enjoy the game. Heck, it’s not even about being able to climb, it’s about having a level playing field where everyone uses the same input method so matches will be a lot fairer.

And to whomever thinks that anyone should care about losing a few players that are pretty much cheating: maybe you’re just delusional, but it’s more likely that you’re just one of the Ximmers yourself. You’re using kbm with aim assist against people using a controller, so the devs are also working on a way to allow kbm for people who want to play on that but you’ll have to face other players on kbm, as logic dictates.


What is your rank? Im curious

Very, very likely higher than yours even on my lowest rated account where I play once in a few months.

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You still didnt tell me what your rank is.

Now wouldn’t you like to know? Sing at a different table bud, and take your Xim BS to some other game. Have a good day!