Xim has no skill

Ximmers have no skill, so people who actually belong in higher ranks will reach those ranks now. (If they had skill they wouldn’t need to use xim.)


I remember in the past bringing this up and most people sided with the ximmers, strange that bc blizz did the change everyone is going the opposite direction

people who play on console tbh should get 0 love, im still waiting for pc2 to come out


We play for fun chief, not to be sweaty.

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Ximmers be like:


how long ago was this? whenever i talked about xims almost everyone agreed that it’s cheating and shouldn’t be allowed, the only one’s who didn’t are those who of course are using it, and those who didntfull understand what it did

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I’ve been asking for this for like 5 years


as was I, as an xbox player it’s very frustrating knowing that the other player is using a tool that gives them and advantage and that almost all other games ban

Lol Xim kids can’t play CoD, Siege, and Now Overwatch. Imagine paying $100+ for a useless brick so you delude yourself into thinking you have skill. I hope the companies that make these peripherals crash and burn with their employees struggling to make ends meet.


Is skill ONLY playing with a mouse and keyboard? I don’t know too much about it, but how does it give you an advantage?

You have MNK with aim assist, it’s essentially a soft aim bot at that point. You can also run scripts with Xim as well.


Moxxie? Is that you?

Until this is actually implemented, try to keep your expectations in check. This is blizzard we are talking about here.

Aye coz the system thinks your Ximmed mouse is a controller so it gives that an aim assist. So you are technically constantly 76 Ult Mode.

Would be great if someone could track how many names disappear in top500 next season for an idea of how bad the problem is. I’m betting almost 500 names go.

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well as a pc player, i still dont quite get the whole “ximming is cheating” argument, since arguably they are playing on the peripheral that makes more sense for shooters.

that being said, now that blizzard is taking an official stance against it, theres no room for discussion. from now on, no peripheral using mouse for aiming is allowed on console and we have no choice but to agree with blizzard.

tell me you dont know how aim assist works without telling me you dont know how aim assist works.

aim assist is like a magnet for your crosshair towards the enemies hitbox. it is not like aimbot and it doesnt magically guide your shots. it just makes sure your crosshair stays on target easier if it was on target. but its nowhere as agressive as an aimbot.


Lol I wish. That’s a voice actor with an impressive resume.

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The peripheral that you have to hook a third party device up to use because the game doesn’t allow it.

It was cheating even before Blizz officially said so.

And XIM+aim assist is absolutely a soft aimbot. Aim assist works very differently for mice.

I’ve noticed the threads where I talk about Blizzard about to drop ban ximmers, they got so angry, that the threads got taken down.

So I think it is more that the thread which survive moderation look like this, but mostly people have been angry about them.

This was definitely a big thing with using these tools in general, it was a gray area that people would have capitalised on as there was no stance on it. The way I see it is as long as it still requires human input and isn’t automation, it’s not cheating.

Blizzards ‘this is your one and only warning’ announcement is a fair acknowledgement of this.

lol, lmao even