Xim has no skill

U don’t need to worry they are cracking down already giving Perma bans with data collected over years of reports ect. Even funnier season 11 will be worse for them. If a player is caught using it QP or ranked they will get a week suspension in ranked and will have to face only PC players after the ban is up. Forcing them to use a cont against a KnM just like we have to when they cheat. And if they try to use it more it results in a ban so they can’t use it to face the PC dudes or it results further action. We are getting our cake. Enjoy eating it too

The only reason that I vaguely believe Blizzard will actually do something tangible is because Ximmers have been wrecking PC players. They did not care AT ALL, and even told us not to report them when it was a console exclusive issue.


But playing with controller on PC is still allowed?

Yes. You can actually technically play XiM on console still. They just ban you from competitive and remove your aim assist. That more or less defeats the purpose.

They are not changing anything about controller on PC. They did technically allude to official support for mouse and keyboard on console. So it’s entirely possible they will make a better cross play update and put controller PC players in the console pool and mouse console players into the PC pool. Nothing is confirmed, however. That’s just speculation on my part.


I feel like I should be insulted… I play on console since my wife, and I own Series X’s. I don’t really see why I am any less deserving of Blizzard’s attention than you for playing where my friends and family are.

why do you think ppl cheat on the firs place?

I will be the first to admit that I am not the best player. However, I would never resort to utilizing external hardware/software in order to “bridge the gap.” If I lose a game, I admit my faults and try to learn from my experiences. I believe that natural growth trumps using a shortcut.

That said, I’ll stick to battling bots…

Ay, let me use the “Moira requires skill, too” argument I see in these forums all the time:
Ximmers require skill in using mouse and keyboard on console.

There, gotcha!

99% of people that play on console use a controller, while laying down on their sofa.
OW on console doesn’t support MnK.

I know your not stupid, so your fully aware that the PS5/ XBOX supports MnK.

So I’m confused as to how you think using XIM is not cheating? Considering and all that OW blocks MnK on console (Which you are fully aware of, otherwise people woudn’t need to buy 3rd party hardware).

ximming is obviously cheating but the idea that KBM takes ‘no skill’ vs controller is laughable

i dont think its cheating bc i come from a platform where pretty much anything goes. want to have infinite frames per second? buy it. want to have the best mouse, mousepad, monitor on the market? go nuts. in my world, you can play videogames the way you want and your wallet allows. but i am aware that console plebs like everyone to play on the exact same hardware and exact same controller ideally.

Your comparing apples to oranges.

Blizzard doesn’t ban mouses, monitors, certain computer models. If you want to buy the best of everything on COMP then do it, go nutts, blizzard allows you.

On console, blizzard doesn’t allow MnK. Do you understand that it’s cheating, to use hardware that is banned? You saying XIM is ok to use in OW is like me saying Steriods are ok to use in baseball.

now, the intersting question is why ban hardware on one platform but not on the other, right?

bc blizzard knows that on the pc this is a lost cause. technically, using mouse drivers that have a setting called “angle snapping” for easier staying on head level is cheating. the software is modifying the input the player makes. but its not the case. you can use this setting just fine. technically, having more than double the refresh rate as other players is cheating. it allows for far less input lag and visual clutter in hectic games and poses a significant advantage.

blizzard cant just ban half the peripherals and settings that pc players use to gain advantages. i simply dont get why blizzard even cares. as long as you dont use software to cheat, anything should be legal on both console and pc. why? bc forcing a way to play on people is a bad thing. especially since controller is just a god awful way to play ow to begin with.

I feel the only way to answer you on this, is for you to stop playing on PC and go play on Console with a controller. Do this for a year, I want you to live in my world and understand where we all come from.

you are completely missing my point. i like to be on pc. i would never trade playing ow on pc for ow on console. theres no point in my trying it out bc every cell of my body would hate it from the get go. i dont even need ppl using xim on the enemy team

I feel the same way but in reverse. Why would I want to trade in my comfy living room setting to go play OW at a computer desk? You kinda just made my point without even realizing it.

And you don’t even have to play OW on console, just go play console games. Lot of great games on home console.

wdym i made your point? almost as if different people enjoy to play games differently. mindblowing idea right? for me, ow is about tryharding on the pc sitting on a gaming char in upright position with my led keyboard and wireless mouse. now for you ow might be a casual coach experience but that doesnt mean one of us is doing it right and the other one wrong. all im saying is, theres a reason why first person games where first invented on the pc. they just work better with m+kb and the existence of auto aim proves it.

There’s no aim assist on PC, there’s only aim assist if you’re queuing on a console. If you’re good enough to play on a controller without aim assist go for it PC will even commend that. But damn I am gonna enjoy the perma bans for the ximmers, nothing is better than ximmer tears.

I think there’s a strong dislike for console players because they’re usually toxic AF. It doesn’t apply to everyone but getting console players in QP on PC lobbies are usually pretty toxic. Also, console players got a pretty bad reputation after the Jay3 community clash. PC doesn’t really realize the biases because of the overwhelming negative encounters PC has had with console.

Oof. I did not know things were this bad… I don’t play Overwatch 2 as much as I did the first game. I’ve definitely skipped more than a few seasons since I like to play other games, and I definitely don’t really pay the streamers any mind. As I have said elsewhere; I only play this game when my wife wants me to join her.

That said, I am usually pretty easygoing in the rare instances when I leave my comfort zone. If someone wants to call me out for using a controller in Arcade, that’s fine by me. I have no real reason to be upset with someone’s opinion about the peripherals that I use to play my games.

In any case, I may have to look into Jay3. Thank you for the informative reply.