Xbox - Voice Chat not Working Since Echo Patch

Hello, I have the problem since I had the game I’m using a cord headset I’m on a Xbox one my battletag is Nick#19561 I started play around a month and half ago. My headset works on every other game other then overwatch. I can’t hear anyone talking or use my mic at all.


Same Problem here. Have this problem since i Player again (2 Weeks) but i can rember having this when i stoppen playing (1 year).

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For Xbox, I put myself alone in a party chat and then clicked “switch to game chat” and it worked for me.

I’ve had the same issue for over a year. Kinda getting ridiculous.


Amazing!! Totally works for new too :slight_smile: Thanks. It saves me from quitting and restarting the game. Cheers!

Xbox user with plugged in headset. Usually restarting the game would work but it is not anymore, its gotten to the point where I have to go into a party with the people I play with. I am in game chat, can see who else is in game chat, and can hear everyone else talk (randoms and friends) however my mic just does not work. No one can hear me and it does not display that I am talking, switch over to the party though and everything is fine.

  1. wtf
  2. how is there no a fix yet when this is a year old
  3. help lmao
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Lmaoooo tec support has completely abandoned replying to this issue that IS OVER A YEAR OLD GOING ON 2 YEARS

What in the actual…

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is it STILL happening?

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Lol why would I pay for overwatch 2 when this is still an issue - 6 years after I first purchased the game.

Wtf blizzard?


I’m on PlayStation and I have this same problem. It’s been like this since last year. I’ve tried everything so hopefully I can find the answer in this thread.

My setting are all Auto Join and whenever I join a couce chat of any sort I can’t hear anyone and no one can hear me. Very rarely if I get on and the first voice chat I get into works for about 3 minutes or so and then kicks me out.

It’s very sad and I miss not having to use text chat.

Thank you for trying to help <w

I have been experimenting with this huge bug and so far I have a hypothesis. Whenever I am in a group with someone who is on another platform than my own, my voice chat does not work. However yesterday I was in a group that was all PlayStation and it voice chat worked. I don’t remember the exact time this bug started but it may have been when crossplay was introduced.

Please fix this for cross platform play!!!

Mine hasnt worked in like 2 weeks, I can hear people they cant hear me. Settings are fine