Xbox is the superior console

Xbox has the most competitive players. Switch is the best console to play on

chuckles in pc foolish mortal arguing over such baby things.

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Anecdotal evidence is the weakest evidence. Two whole games is meaningless data.

Especially in qp where mmr casts a much wider net.

Can we not start this useless nonsense again? Thanks.


Well, I’ve noticed higher Pharah pickrates in PS over XBox especially at higher ELOs, which would seem to imply XBox players can use hitscan against Pharah better.

Although it could also just be higher usage of XIMs.


And y’all claiming that PC are “elitist” for not wanting to play with console lol

XB and PS console wars is the most annoying thing ever

meanwhile switch is just having a good time either way


I think the XBOX controller is way more precise than the PS4 controller. It feels like a bunch of people a full 2 ranks above have suddenly been dumped into my games. I haven’t actually noticed them being any better than me in terms of stuff like game sense though. I am more likely to pull off something dumb like right in front of them such as a suicidal rez than a Playstation player.

However the movement is definitely more restrictive now that these xbox players are in the game because they are far more accurate.

Also xbox definitely has more xim users. They are more accurate in general so most of them aren’t xim, but there is definitely more xims too.

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I actually played that game first before getting into the original trilogy, and I swear it has such a bad rap. The cog vs cog pvp was pretty dogpoop, but the mode where it was cog vs locust to attack/defend the generator was so much fun. And the survival PvE mode was also an absolute blast. The game should at least get credit for those two things. The campaign was alright.


Console wars in 2021?
That is funny lol

Xbox: “I’m better than you!”
PS: “No, I’m better!”
Switch: “I’m just happy to be here.”


Low sample size, potential bias in the findings and most likely cherry-picked data.

Please redo the study and return when you have cleaned up this information.

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I think that even AutoHotKey and similars can be seen as a cheating program if you have it open while playing.
And some people use it to work, it’s always on.

Fish be bitin’ today!

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For Overwatch each console has their pros/cons. Ps has more/better players from my experience. More people in voice comms

Xbox has higher framerate and feels better to play. You just had bad teammates

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I didnt know we were on twitter and had to justifiy our purchases

(Before anyone calls me a Playstation fanboi, I own a xbox one x, I just take the stance of, I dont care what you play on, have good fun)


Isn’t the xbox controller easier to aim with? That’s what I’ve heard at least.


Yes. That’s why xbox has long been the premier console for fps games.


I think has a lot more to do with it then most give credit.

The fact that PS has symmetrical stick placement in 2021 is mind blowing to me. I know it’s iconic, but it was clearly designed at a time where the Dpad had top billing and the Lstick was only used in a few games, and it’s just stayed the same the last 25 years… for… reasons.

Xbox triggers are also way better designed IMO and more responsive.

Ps in the interest of fairness PS has a MUCH better Dpad.

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Absolutely. 1000% true.

do we factor in the new controllers (and elite controllers) new dpad design?