WyomingMyst appreciation Thread

Greetings Superlego3

In terms of news, I work to stick purely to official Blizzard public sources of information as much as possible. This can include but is not limited to:

Whenever I quote from a developer post from the old Overwatch Forums (they changed the platform in February 2018 and closed the old forums in early 2020), I refer to an “archive website” I have built on my personal domain called the Old Overwatch Forums Dev Post Archive. This is a slow-going project I work on in my free time, but I am slowly recovering most of the developer responses from the old forums (by looking up bot-archived data from archive.org).

It can be a nightmare to track all of this information sometimes. There is a handy third-party bot site called Overstalk.io which reposts any official Tweet, dev post (on the forums or reddit), YouTube Video, and more. I also rely on highly-popular content creators like Stylosa, YourOverwatch, BlameTheController and more to catch information that I might have missed.

I do have some limited contact with Community Manager Josh Nash as he has been very friendly to help me get information that can help all of you with critical issues I see trending in the game and he helps me set the record straight if I ever misinterpret information.

Oh, I can be wrong sometimes and there have been times that have caused problems, though I never intend to cause such problems. For example, I made a really bad error and misinterpreted a statement in the News Blog post for the “Role Queue Beta” season when Role Queue was first introduced. Based on the blog post it implied that all stats including the hidden matchmaker rating, but in reality, only the career profile stats and Hidden MMR carried over from Season 17 to Role Queue Beta and to Season 18. I asked Prinicipal Designer Scott Mercer directly here on the forums to help me get the actual answer and he did respond with the correct information for me. I was wrong reading the blog post. This did upset a significant portion of the overall community (not just the forums), and I do feel sorry for my mistake back then. However that is now pretty well in the past, and I am still happy to help where I can.

I am glad to be able to help where I can. As always I wish I could do more for the community, but supporting all of you helps everyone, including me, enjoy Overwatch more!