Role Queue Update

Scott, can you 100% clarify if the accumulated matchmaking rating from Role Queue Beta will be or not be passed over to season 18? I have been going off of the news blog post that all stats from the beta will not count, but the community is still concerned about this aspect.

Answered below:

On a personal note, I sincerely apologize for delivering incorrect information to many of you earlier last week across multiple threads. It is not my intention to cause confusion or frustration over this. While it is my unending goal to help wherever and however I can, I am still a player like you. Forum MVPs are not Blizzard team members, but we are selected to be Forum MVPs by Blizzard because of our passion for their games and desire to help others. Click here to earn more about the Forum MVP program. Thank you everyone for your understanding and continued support in my efforts here on the forums.

~ Myst (^^)v