Wrong Rank Reward

Can anyone confirm if they received their correct end-of-season competitive rewards after the update on Tuesday?

I checked, got the correct rank reward and decided to play again. However, winning 5 games didnā€™t fix my CURRENT rank. For no reason at all Iā€™m now 5 divisions lower despite the lobby rank being correct. This sucks to play.

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No! I shouldā€™ve finished the season 3 with Plat 5 and get the ā€œPlatinum Challengerā€ title, but because I logged in the first hour of season 4 I got rank decay in my end season rank was lowered to Gold 3, also I got rewards for Gold instead of Plat. After 5 games my rank was fixed and I even got to Plat 4 after 5 more wins. The even stranger thing was I got rank decay twice and before I get my first 5 wins I had Silver 2 rankā€¦ it was fun, but not fair to be placed in Bronze/Silver games as someone with obviously higher rank. The same way I am unhappy with Masters/Diamonds in my average Plat games. At least this time this unfairness was in my favor. :thinking:

Two days ago (after the latest update) I checked my season 3 rank and it was indeed changed to Plat 5 instead of the wrong Gold 3ā€¦ great, but not really because I am still missing the plat title reward and I didnā€™t get the extra CP they promised. :pleading_face:

Aaron Keller lied again in Twitterā€¦ I wonā€™t believe anything this guy promises ever. :angry:

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What do you mean when you said you had Silver 2 rank? Did you get demoted twice from Gold 3 after 5 wins and then got promoted to Platinum 4 after a second 5 wins? And yeah that is unfortunate that the rewards were not distributed according to your corrected end-of-season rank too, but the Devs did say that fixes to this bug would take several days to fully roll out. Hopefully that means your rewards are on the way, but if that ends up not being the case, do let us knowā€¦

Yes, my final rank for the previous season was lowered, but also my starting rank for the new season was lowered based on the previous season final rank (that was lowered), so I had Silver rank before I won the first 5 games, then I got back to Plat.

The promised no rank decay for the new season was actually double rank decay for meā€¦ just because I logged in the game too early. :smiley:

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Still waiting on rewards for season 3


I was in masters 5 for like 3 weeks before the end of the season and it gave me platinum challenger title please fix this error it feels like me and so many others have been scammed out of the rank they deserve not to mention it was my first time buying the battle pass and I canā€™t even get the right title itā€™s unbelievable.


Hi! Does anyone knows if there is any solution to this problem? Still waiting for rewards. i didnt received any competitive points or title for the last season. Ended the season on Master. TY


Nope, blizzard has pretty much abandoned the issue with a big FU to those that got screwed. Not even surprised at this point.


This is where I would put my season 3 rewardsā€¦



Still waiting on these ranked rewards?


Thats what i believe at the moment, there wont be a fix, maybe it will work next season, but for this season i gave up on hoping.


Solution = Forget your rewards, thats what i do now (waiting for title since start of Season 5, but no fix until nowā€¦) A fix at the end of the Seasonā€¦ wow, you can wear you title for a few days then D

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Over two weeks later and somehow this issue still persists. Not to mention it has existed but has yet to be fixed since Season 36 as wellā€¦

Three seasons in a row the Devs have refused to fix the end-of-season competitive rewards bugs. How much longer will we have to wait for the rewards we earned to be given to us?

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There is no way that after 2 seasons overwatch 2 still struggles to give the players correct rank rewards, this is the second time now that I dont receive my rank reward for the season, how is this issue hard so solver I dont get it.

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I just hit top 500 for the first time and placed #198 after okaying this game for years. I log into the new season just to not get my rewards for top 500, please fix this bug!

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I was ended a sTop 500 in season 5 mystery heroes but only received the Grandmaster title. Please give me my proper reward.

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