Wrong Rank Reward

Finished season grandmaster 2. Says on my profile I finished masters 1 and got masters rewards. Happened last season as well

Ended the season in Master 5 support, got Diamond 4 rewards, cool


In season 3, I raised the role-fixing healer competition tier in DIA 3 to DIA 1, failed to fill 5 rounds, won 4/5 in a row, updated to 4 seasons, and when I went back in, it was reset to DIA 3. As someone who loves Overwatch and is sincere before the competition, please change it to DIA 1 or Master 5
제가 시즌3에 다이아 3에서 역할고정 힐러 경쟁전 티어를 다이아1까지올리고 5판을 못채우고4연승해서 4/5를 하였는데 4시즌으로 업데이트 해서 다시 들어가보니 다이아 3으로 초기화 되았습니다. 오버워치를 사랑하고 경쟁전에 진심인 사람으로서 다이아1혹은 마스터5로 고쳐주시길 바랍니다

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i didn’t get my top 500 reward, only get master

my frined get top 500, and i don’t.
I have play over 50 and win over 25 match. (27 wins master 3)
My frined have get top 500 and same skill level with me. (33wins master 3)

I have dropped on DPS from Plat 1 to Plat 5? That is one huge adjustment?? I won 50+ games last season to achieve this and now this season I have been reset back, wiping out any progress at all?

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Same, was about to write the same here. I decayed 4-5 divisions again in all roles lol

Finished the season on both damage and support in diamond and was deranked out of diamond to the concurrent rank in plat which is not what happened at all. I finished diamond 2 damage and diamond 3 support. I can guarantee I am not platinum since I have played quite a few matches in total for both the roles. Please fix this bug thanks!


the same exact thing happened to me for role, open and mystery i dont get it

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Same here. My support ending rank was diamond 5 and i left it that way and they reward me with Plat challenger instead? what a scam!

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I have the exact same issue, namely in the support role. Finished the season as Diamond 5 but now the game tells me I finished in Plat 4.

I think everyone is experiencing this bug. I was diamond 2, got knocked down to plat 3, and I got platinum challenger reward instead of diamond challenger. How do they always manage to mess things up… do they not have a team to assure these sort of things don’t happen?

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same i was at the end diamond 4 and i got plat Challenger

same, ended season with d5 on tank and dps, and d4 on support, last few weeks haven’t played comp at all, and i got rank reset before season end. it shows plat 4 plat 4 plat 3 on season 3 tab, even tho i haven’t played, as I said, and tho i got points for plat, and only plat role challanger instead of diamond, while my friends got resets after end, not before

Also here the Problem. I only finished my Support Placements, got to Diamond 5 within 21 Games and did the other 4 wins on DPS and Tank. Left it like that, didnt go into Comp again after I hit Diamond 5 and it set me to Plat 2…


After logging into OW2 for season 4 I was told and given competitive points for Gold 4 in role queue despite finishing the season in Plat 5. I made sure not to tamper with that rank so I’ve spent the last two days playing mystery heroes and open queue instead.

If there is a way to fix this please let me know/update the rewards in-game.

Thanks in advance,


Did they really decay us all ?

Like i was supposed to have a Plat title and have been decayed to Gold and got gold rewards

Blizzard ?_?

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i just logged on ow2 and it showed me that i was plat 3 instead of dia 4. i stopped playing ow for a while after getting to dia 4 but now im at plat 3???

i ended on diamond but i didnt get the reward

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I was masters 2 on dps and masters 5 sup + tank. Just hit m5 tank an hour ago btw and have been masters dps all season but ended off m2 and when i logged on it shows me that I did indeed did end masters on tank and support but shows diamond 2 on dps

also same thing happened to me in s1 i ended two ranks lower than i actually was but i didnt think much of it and just assumed i was wrong

I finished the season Plat 3 Support and now it shows me that I finished Gold 1 which is just wrong. I also got only Gold 1 rewards. Please show the correct rank.

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