Hello! I have a big problem, last season (season 2) in overwatch 2, I was DIAMOND 5 as tank in competitive role queue, and now when I enter overwatch, I see that last season I was platinum 1 which I was not, I have screen shot, I played and tried so much to get diamond 5 and now all my work is ruined…
I have to mention that after I got Diamond 5 I haven’t lost a game as tank, so it should be impossible to get deranked…
Please give me my 750 competitive points and my Diamond Challenger - Player Title… I refuse to believe that all my hard work disappeard.
Same here. I deliberately placed myself masters 5 at the end of the season so I don’t have to grind more games season 2 anymore, and then I login yesterday only to find out I magically placed diamond 1? This is utter BS. Is Blizzard not going to do anything about this or what??? Not to mention, I was rank 6 or so in CTF Competitive, I received my T500 title but NOT the T500 icon.
No icon for arcade game modes anymore
Same for me too. I finished at rank 147 for competitive CTF this season but, I only received the player title for it and I’m missing my Top 500 icon. Not only that, but the career profile stats also removed the proof of me hitting Top 500 in open queue in Season 36 as well. Please respond to this thread with your own issues and create your own posts so that I can add them to the list and hopefully we can get these issues resolved. We need to make our voices heard and make the devs give us the rewards we earned.
I don’t remember this being the case. As far as I know, Top 500 icons are rewarded for all competitive gamemodes like CTF, Lucioball, Open Queue, etc. Could you show us where this change was announced?
Well, I also was top 500 in CTF, but I didn’t get the icon. Friend got it for getting t500 in regular comp. I’m lead to assume that it’s the case that you only get it for RQ/OQ. Not 100% sure on OQ though
That sucks that you didn’t get the Top 500 icon either. Both open queue and role queue grant the Top 500 icon. That has been and still is the case, except for players whose rewards were bugged as I’ve compiled in my thread. And correct me if I am wrong, but the Top 500 icon was always awarded for Top 500 players of all competitive gamemodes dating back to Overwatch 1 too. Copa LucioBall in particular was quite controversial in it’s first season because it was the first nonstandard competitive gamemode and because awarded the same Top 500 rewards as standard competitive, which I suppose is more accurate to say what is now called open queue competitive as role queue didn’t exist back then. Do correct me if I’m wrong though.
Yeah you did used to get it from arcade comp modes in OW1. I’m just assuming they’ve changed this because of the fact that it is controversial. They most likely didn’t change it in Overwatch 1 because they had already made the decision to award it to players, but now we’re in a new game so I supposed they’ve changed it as they originally probably wanted to.
I had the same issue I only got the rewards for platinum even though i ended diamond 5 on dps and tank
Unfortunately it seems I was wrong about the Top 500 icon situation. I’ve linked the post explaining it here for anyone in here who wants to read about it: Competitive CTF Top 500 icon - #7 by Brigitte-11594. Much appreciation to everyone who contributed in bringing attention to this issue, but it seems the Devs have made up their minds. Still, I would encourage everyone experiencing competitive bugs to spread the word about this thread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. It would be greatly appreciated.