I know that I need to choose my words carefully, since a lot of people are very polarizing against Wrecking Ball, but this newest patch causes more problems then it fixes and creates bigger questions about the future of the character.
The nerfs lately have been very questionable towards this character for so many reasons.
The coming out of spawn time out. What other character automatically has a timeout applied to them? Should Soldiers run be disabled for a timeout from spawn, or Lucio’s Speed, or Pharah’s flight, Dva’s flight… The list goes on, why would this be the only here that would have that. It’s not balanced.
The 6 second grappling hook in the newest patch. I know a lot of people are upset with the playstyle of spin to win, but this is not the answer. It is horribly implemented.
First, there is no timer anywhere to know when your grapple will disconnect. Are you supposed to use it and count to 6… while also playing the game?
Second, it still has the 5 second timeout before you can even reuse it again. It essentially drops you like a rock in whatever direction you were going or straight down with no movement capabilities to die… It is nearly as damaging as a Sombra hack (for arguments sake, not as damaging since you still have “shield” and are still in ball form, but similar)
I was annoyed but ambivalent with the spawn cooldown, but the grapple is unnecessarily cruel.
I was able to accept the changes pre this patch, but his character is almost useless with it.
I could see one of the other possible scenarios being a better mitigator for this in preferred order.
- Make the grapple time 15 seconds so that you can spin some (and for crying out loud, provide a timer), but not stay permanently.
- Remove the grapple cooldown time so that you are limited to 6 seconds but can regrapple right away again. This makes spin to win much harder to accomplish since you would have to aim and regrapple while dealing with the other team.
My last point is what does the future hold for Wrecking Ball, especially if OW2 is single tank. There would be no effective use for him. He can’t hold (with grapple nerfed), he can’t shield since it only protects him (with not that much effect). If OW2 is all about getting rid of CC and Wrecking Balls main purpose is CC, why would anyone pick him?
Maybe wrecking ball needs to be able to drop a shield like Winston or something, I don’t know but wanted to put this somewhere.
Sorry this is so long, and I already dread the WB hate, but at least I said it.