Wrecking Ball is broken because of the grapple nerf

And the grapple aim assist addition does its job of making spin to win brain dead ez when it used to require precise aim to hit spin to win attachment points, and just makes it easier for bad players to get value with ball overall. Blizz has no clue what they’re doing with ball, this nerf contradicts the grapple aim assist change.


Ball overpowered? What are you smoking dude.

I guess ur the type that only watches pro streamers and OWL and think thats an accurate representation of the playerbase. And I highly doubt you even play ball because you make no sense, you just came in here and replying “git gud” to everyone basically

Provide some actual useful replies that are on topic or get a life my friend…


Copying this here 'cause I’m too lazy to type it all again.

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Not anymore since the 25% knockback nerf his boop is literally the worst boop in the game.
Even Rein’s pin boops more than ball now.

What this user is saying, if I understand correctly, is that he’s tired of getting yeeted in all directions as a tank. And this happens even to Rein players too and they supposedly have a knockback resistance passive but it ends up being useless.

There’s nothing I hate more than constant booping from Pharah, Junkrat mines and so many more. Plus this two don’t even need to land the “booping” specific abilites to annoy you, their primary fire also creates knockback.

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Some of the time you do - but often ball will come behind and it will be a complete surprise you are yeeted forward often through a shield to die or from the side or out a doorway. I find with ball, doom and junk especially that I am often flying through the air and have no clue why. Just not fun at all.

That’s what I said. If you are forcing to have this duration that DPS one-tricks cried for, at least let us see how long the spin lasts. I would rather know if I have two seconds left so I can let go and roll away safely instead of randomly falling off the Eichenwalde bridge because I wasn’t counting down seconds. Though, I would probably put that indicator on his claw icon. You know, instead of it being “filled with orange color”, it depletes, like a reversed cooldown timer.

I read a similar suggestion by someone else, but they wanted the grappling cable to glow increasingly red as it reaches its limit duration

The problem with these types of indicators are that they force you to shift your attention away from the center, which in these hectic ball moments can be a big problem

I think the best option right now would be to give grapple the same indicator that Adaptive Shields have. That might pose a problem with it being too similar and confusing with the shield indicator, but thinking about that… who actually cares about that shield indicator lol. You can clearly see on Ball whether shields are up or not, and its not critical to know how long it will last

I agree that Wrecking Ball’s grappling claw nerf is the worst.


I’ll be honest I haven’t even noticed the change since the patch went live. I’m not typically grapple hooking for more than 6 seconds. Hopefully they change it if it’s negatively effecting him though

So all four ball mains seethe, and leave tank roll. Where they really ball mains, if this is all it took to make them quit?

Six seconds is quite generous. Just don’t grapple onto things until you’re ready to move.

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what no?? i play with the pro streamers and owl players in ranked matches lol

the majority of the playerbase doesnt play the game right and dont really understand the core mechanics of the game

which is why you cant balance around them

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Because we don’t sweat 24/7 and have actual lives unlike GM losers and streamers. :smiley:

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Making grapple stick for long period of time was a mistake in the first place. Grapple should have been a tool just for gaining momentum and for quick swings. Lower CD and remove damage, but keep mobility, problem solved. Having unkillable tank dangle or spin around forever at great speeds is not fun for anyone on the opposite team.

Spin to Win was a great space creator/distraction, which is literally what tanks are for. I don’t like the nerf at all.


Don’t forget that this is a video game that people play voluntarily to waste some time and have fun. Putting annoying and frustrating things in video games is contrary to their purpose. Surely Blizzard can find a way to make WB useful without goofy movement ability abuse.

I don’t think there is a single competitive game that someone hasn’t found a way to be frustrated about. The effect is exaggerated in Overwatch especially because there are so many different playstyles and the one that counters yours will probably annoy you.

I don’t mind fighting ball at all because I play heroes who don’t have a problem with it. I don’t think it’s fair for you to justify changing ball just because you don’t want to pick heroes that kill/zone him easily.

Paraphrased from Yeatle: “My grapple has broken 0 times from Spin2win, but 5 times from doing other stuff.”


It is obvious they don’t know what the heck they’re doing when they change this hero.

First, they increased the spread of his mines during his ult “to make it easier to use” while you’re just rolling on the ground, which is the incorrect way to use his ult anyways.
All it did was make them spread TOO MUCH when you’re in the proper position, and screwed up some previously good spots to drop his mines.

And now I come back to this game after a year, to find out they did this to hammond?
At first I thought my mouse was malfunctioning while playing, then I realized they added a timer to his grapple. What the hell?
I agree with every point OP has made. This changes the core gameplay of the hero in an extremely disruptive way, and takes away A TON of creative plays that you could previously do, but can’t do anymore.

It’s not worth messing up an entire hero just because low-ELO players spin in a circle.


Just not fun anymore… I have to wonder if any of the original people who created this game/content is still working there anymore. Taking something that has been there for years and changing it at it’s core just makes feels like the game wasn’t built for this… It’s just not as functional… or fun… I won’t be playing nearly as much as I used to. What’s the point of getting “gud” if they do stuff like this?
Consistency is key… This… Feel like maybe a beta for overwatch 2 or something… Who knows.
Perhaps Blizzard just has stopped caring about the players. Sad to see the decline of games we love.