I dunno if I missed something, but as far as I can tell, there’s no visual or audio cue that tells you when the end of the grapple duration is. This seems like a really big oversight.
6s is a pretty long time, and it would suck to fall off of something by accident because you misjudged the timing. There are a ton of abilities that have a little timer circle around the reticle, including Wrecking Ball’s Adaptive Shields. Abilities with a timer typically have a sound cue when they’re ending too, which would also be nice for Ball’s grapple.
Yeah idk how this slipped by them unless they didn’t test the change.
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They should also revert the cooldown on grapple for respawns. There’s no point in keeping that specific nerf if he can’t grapple for more than 6 seconds anyways.
^^^this! I haven’t played in a couple of weeks and when I experienced this in MH I thought it was a glitch. A audio/visual cue would be nice. Also, 6 seconds is way to short!
There’s another thread also asking for some visual upgrades and/or audio cues for Grappling Hook.
It couldn’t be a circle even if they DID add it, because there are situations where you have both grapple and shields active at the same time.