WOW you can literally tell when matchmaking is about to screw you over

on new account… first 4 games we ROLLED THE HELL out of the other teams. then uuuuuhhhhh ooooooohhhhhhh whats this ? 5+ minute que times… here comes the rofflestomp
of course first game had an open thrower and an enemy team VASTLY superior to my own… we lost
second game again another team vastly superior to our own we had a leaver… we lost
third game again team way way better than what we had skill wise and a guy named bear OPENLY SAYING hey guys im throwing just sayin see you in bronze.

WTF! its like everytime the que takes over 4 minutes the system is always matching you against people that are SURE to stomp you and maybe an odd coincidence but… why all the leavers and throwers all of a sudden ?

this system is whacked beyond belief and it needs to be fixed


This isn’t matchmaking’s fault. It’s the idiots who choose to throw’s fault


matchmaking is busted as hell… thousands of people are finally seeing it


It’s not the Matchmaker. The Matchmaker doesn’t know that it will match you with a thrower. They just see that you and the thrower are equal in MMR. Report the throwers and queue dodge if you have to


the matchmaking is broken in the sense that its supposed to adjust YOU to others depending on your skill level… well… that would probably work if it were a 1v1 game … well its not. this system always tends to take that youre doing well so it matches you with the trash players you just beat against the players you were just playing WITH when you stomped the new teammates. it happens alllllllll the time so no way its a coincidence


It doesn’t know that. It doesn’t know if you are a GM player in competitive. Because quick play has a different MMR system. The game doesn’t go against you. It tries to find a fair match


I sympathize with the OP. Why should the players who legitimately want to climb to the rank they belong at, be penalized this way?


Wow! You went on a 4 win streak then a three loss streak! You’re 1 win positive! The system is totally out to get you!

Wait. A 4 win streak in your favor is fine but a 3 loss streak against you is busted? Hmm…


you sir are missing the point completely… the system should be adjusting people to match their skill level to keep it 50/50 … NOT see youre on a win streak and almost assure that you get your face kicked in.

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No, the matchmaker should attempt to make equal matches. Full stop. Nothing else. And that’s what it does.

If you maintain a 50% winrate, it’s because you’re at the point where you are not good enough to keep climbing. You’ve played 7 games. That’s a very small sample size. It sucks you had leavers and an unbalanced game. But so what? Move on. If you’re good enough you’ll keep winning.


youre incorrect that is NOT what this system does… it is a flawed system.
this new account is an alt account made to prove a point and the point is being made right now. many thousands of people with the same problem and experiencing the same thing cant be wrong. and your argument is nonsense if you say if youre good enough youll keep winning. IF the game were solely about my performance that would make sense but its not i have to rely on 5 other people to do what they are supposed to do. the leavers are going to happen… ive dealt with them for 2 years now they arent going anywhere BUT there is no excuse for the matchmaking system to purposely screw you over because you are doing well "and to clarify im not talking about matching you evenly with babysteps in comp im talking about the system making a massive leap in skill


Bruh you’re silver. You get stomped by 95% of the ladder. Of course you’re going to lose a lot. What about my new accounts that went 8-2 and 10-0 and 7-3? Should we just disregard those data points in favor of yours?


me like many other people dont belong where we are … were just stuck in it … when i play with high plat to high diamond players they question why im stuck in silver/gold
throwers/smurfs/quitters/bad matchmaking luck
you act as though one person can carry an entire game all the time… its a team game… your argument is nonsense


I started at 1600, but instead of insisting I was better than everyone around me, I focused on self improvement. Now I easily sit in mid master and had a brief brush with GM. Get over yourself. You belong where you are. Accept it and improve. You can’t change the system, and you can’t change your team mates; the only thing you can change is yourself.

If you won’t do that, then enjoy silver for the next 10 seasons.


i never said i was better than everyone i play with im saying the system is broken and its unfairly matching people… and it is. proof is proof and there is plenty of it…
you are right i cant change the system “that purposely matches you against people that will stomp you” “youre also right i also cant change the teammates” that who provides…OH YEAH… the broken system.
i can improve … who cant! and i have improved greatly over the last several seasons… does it matter NOPE. because everytime you start to get ahead the system just slaps you right back down…
instead of coming here telling people they are wrong just for the sake of wanting to be a big guy and argue… just read it and move along and let the rest of us that KNOW there is a problem discuss it. i guarantee you that you are greatly outnumbered

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How about this fact then: I and many of my friends have successfully climbed from bronze and silver to the decay ranks. We did this through focusing on self improvement and nothing else. The people I’ve run into who insist the system is out to get them are either stuck in their ranks, boosted and constantly falling and reboosted, or banned from cheating.

The reason I want to tell you that you are wrong is because I have been at your rank, and climbing seemed impossible. Yet here we are. I’ve successfully gotten good, and you can too. You just need to accept that you’re bad and work on it. This game is like any other skill; you can improve if you invest quality time, but if you keep making the same mistakes over and over again you’re not going to get anywhere. If you cannot climb out of silver, you are bad at the game. That’s all there is to it. Making a new account isn’t the secret to success. They always end up close to your main account, assuming you don’t manipulate the SR by one tricking or throwing or anything like that.

Quality time is how you climb.


It is almost as if telling yourself that you are going to have a bad game negatively impacts your mindset, causing you to have a bad game.


I climbed about 120 SR yesterday, good solid teams, mostly high endorsement levels, good comms, felt good.

The I get a team full of lvl1 endorsements, attack torb, no comms. Then another. And another. Lost 140ish SR in the last two days, 4 attack torbs lol. I just don’t get the logic. Feels bad man.

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I haven’t climbed in weeks. Literally. I do great, perform well, but the game has decided what my SR is and is placing me with other players that match my MMR to prevent me from climbing. I know this, I am at one with it, because Blizzard is infallible and will never change their MMR and SR System.

How is this so hard to understand? If you’re on a winstreak, it’s reasonable to assume you are the common denominator. If you’re making a big difference every game, the matchmaker gives you tougher opponents to see if you should really belong higher up.

If you get stomped, it realizes that you don’t and send you back where you belong.