The "Git Gud" Mentality

Not necessarily often but I do see this time to time when i browse the forums.
NOTE : These posts vary from 2 months to ~8 months ago. Please do not necro these threads as some users prob dont even play this anymore.

Going through a couple of other posts and oh boy I feel some people like to stretch the truth to make a point: (“Played with a Top500 smurf in diamond and he asks why am I so good at this game and stuck in diamond”. I also ran into some posts of people actually posting their 2nd account info so its not everyone that does this.

I’ve also experienced people possibly lying about their ranks ingame (stuff like “can I play x hero? I’m a (Masters+) dps?” and proceed to do horribly) My guess is they lie about it to force others to play around them and if they lose they blame it on other people cause they play the rank card.

But pretty much when some people try to make claims, i can’t help but to be skeptical if they refuse to provide proof aside from word of mouth. It gets worse when they try to justify not showing the proof with retorts like “I don’t have to show you anything”

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